Progress of the Plan

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I just got my commission from fuyuchino few days ago! It's a scene on Prologue Chapter when Boboiboy meet Reverse for the first time. I also already put the picture on Prologue Chapter:)





One spaceship arrived to the station and land safely. The spaceship open which shows a man with a red robot beside him

"Welcome Mechabot, Laksamana Amato" said Commander Koko Ci giving salute
"Commander... it's been a long time" said Amato smiling

Three of them comes into the station which greeted by agents who was working on their respective works. Amato look around reminisce his time working in TAPOPS before moved with Maskmana

"Oh yeah how's Boboiboy and his friends?" asked Amato
"They're doing great... even after that accident, they still work diligently here"
"Accident? What accident?" asked Mechabot
"Weeks ago, they're retrieving a power sphere but the enemy there was too strong which knock out Ying and Boboiboy. They manage to do their mission but due to both agents got hurt, I haven't given them outer space mission for a while"
"Oh my... but how is he?"
"He's fine now don't worry"

Just as Amato, Commander Koko Ci and Mechabot enter the main control room. They see Yaya, Ying and Fang inside controlling the station. Yaya notice them and give salute

"Commander!" said Yaya saluted with Ying and Fang on their position
"Okay get back to work"

Amato look around which he didn't find his son inside the room and his trusty power sphere

"Looking for Boboiboy?" asked Commander
"Yeah... haven't seen him after all"
"He's at the infirmary" said Fang who come close to them and giving papers to Commander Koko Ci
"He's still sick?" asked Mechabot
"No, there was an accident in the weapons room and Boboiboy got hurt due to saving agents"

Without listening more, Amato and Mechabot dash out from the main control room leaving Fang and Commander Koko Ci with surprised faces

"Is he alright Commander?" asked Fang
"No worries, just typical father thing"




"Amato! Slow down!" shout Mechabot while catching up with Amato who run crazy

Just as they about to arrive to the infirmary, they see Boboiboy goes out from the room with Gopal and Ochobot

"Boboiboy!" shout Amato who stop right in front of Boboiboy while panting tired

Boboiboy look up and saw the figure of his father which haven't change since he last met him

"Uuuhh... who are you Mr?" asked Gopal
"Gopal, this is my dad, Laksamana Amato or famous as Mechamato. This is Mechabot, my dad's trusty advisor, partner, mentor and-"
"Okay okay, don't give me too much credit there" said Mechabot folding his arms
"Hehehe... Mechabot, this is my best friend Gopal and Ochobot"
"Nice to meet you Ochobot"
"Nice to meet you too" said Ochobot happily shoving hands with Mechabot

Amato calm himself down and look at Boboiboy from head to toe to look at his injuries which to be only his cheek and his right arm which make him glad a little

"Nice to see you well cadets" said Amato smiling
"Eih, you really have to be formal now after that massive running?" said Mechabot sarcastic
"Shut up Mechabot or I turn you to a trash bin"

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