chapter four:

18 3 0

A psychiatrist, how convenient. But it might be a sign to finally tell Rika to seek help, he had been worried sick about her mental health and maybe he thought that if he asked again, she would finally get help.



He took her hands into his own, causing her to turn around, her eyes glossing over his now blind ones. LMFAO. "I really think.. that you've been overworking yourself maybe, now that you have some time on your hands you could see this psychiatrist I recently found, she's really good."

She tugged her hands away from his grasp in absolute disgust. "You don't love me. Why are you always trying to change me, why don't you love me for who I am?"

"I do love you."

"You don't, you never did. You're just like my parents, you never appreciated all my hard work."

"But if you can just hear me out,"

"No." She opened the car door and gestures for him to leave. "I'll call you again when I need you to do something."

"Have a good evening dear," He pressed his lips against her cheek before stepping out of the car, his heart had started to ache when he noticed that she wiped her cheek.

V pulled out the business card for earlier and pressed the number into his contacts.

pls save this number into ur contacts ^^

is this the pretty guy from earlier?

yes haha it is
also i don't text a lot but feel free to call me
it's easier on the eyes

i will keep that in mind
is it ok for u to do this when ur engaged?
won't your fiancee get the wrong idea?

we're friends, im sure she'll understand

we're friends now !

yes, we are (:

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