Blind Bruises

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Tom Marvolo Riddle. The boy seemed a complete mystery to everyone. Even though everyone at the orphanage knew him, no one felt as though he was truly there. He felt out of place and off. Since he was born on that New years eve, not once had he cried. No tears, no screaming, just silence. He was called strange and none of the other children hung around when he was near. He made them uncomfortable. When he was with other children he would sit and stare as if he was studying them, looking into their souls and gathering the information he would need on them. Mrs.Cole had waited for the first few months for someone to show up. No Marvolo's showed and no Riddles. It seemed no one knew or cared about this boy. It was sad to have another child at the orphanage but nevertheless they looked after him. 

The snow had melted away and left so everything now had its chance to flourish. Spring had arrived quickly this year. The grass is a soft green that almost has a hint of blue and in the sky is enough pristine white cloud to show you how beautiful the sky could be without winter. The concrete of the path was warm under the feet of those who took going outside for granted.  Now the coldness had melted away the children from the orphanage wanted to run out a play but there was no one to take them. They had to wait. 

There it finally was, the blackbird song, the song all the children had been waiting for all winter. She was silent during those cold months but now, now she was in full spirit. Her song was loud and filled with such passion. As if she was cheering the warmth of the daytime sun on. The sun shone her rays through the large orphanage windows, taunting the children to come to play. They cried and begged but Mrs.Cole was busy. She told them today wasn't the day but she said that everyday and the children were growing restless. Each one seemed so distraught about not being able to play amongst the flowers and warmth. 

Each one besides the young Tom Riddle. He was silent. No crying. No complaining. No nothing, he just sat on the floor of where he was put with a overly simple book. It was just pictures for him to look at, no information or words. Not that he could read overly well. He was yet to speak so words were a foreign tongue to him. His days were spent waiting for the next if Mrs.Cole wasn't there with him. She would feed him and change him whenever he needed and besides the few oddities of the boy he was just like everyother one year old. 

While sitting there, Tom pushed the book away from him and moved so he was laid on his stomach. Learning to walk was something that came with time and as he was now sixteen months old he had learnt to walk and sometimes run. He hadn't perfected it quite yet but these things took time, as it did for every child. With his ellbows and knees pressing against the ground, the young boy crawled over to the window. Walking was difficult and he much rathered crawling still. Especially when there wasn't anything to help him stand. 

The floor was an off white with bare walls and no carpet or rug. Everything inside the room was old and plain. Second, third or even forth-hand. Nothing was new and nothing would be Tom's to keep. Each room was the same. The ground was solid and coarse with tattered brick walls coming up each side. No paint or wall paper covered them and the bed that sat in the corner was just as old. The metal frame bent and misshapen and matress just as disfigured. There was nothing but that bed and a desk. A chipped wooden desk that matched the walls and had no use to the one year old. All there was that ever held anything new and interesting was the window. 

Blue eyes stared up as the sun shone in through the window; warming the concrete flooring underneath his hands. Any normal child would have smiled at such a feeling but Tom's face stayed straight. Emotion wasn't something that came naturally to him, he didn't feel anything. It was all just numb but to him that was just normal. He didn't know he was any different.  Tom made his way to the desk before pushing himself up onto his knees and using the chair that was tucked into the desk to steadily get onto his feet. 

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