Chapter 21

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Marella's POV

                DRAMA. Honestly, sometimes it felt like she was looking after a bunch of little kids who lose focus way too easily. But she couldn't deny that she loved drama!

                After the big fight with Biana and Fitz, Sophie had just walked in. Along with Keefe and Sandor. This was going to be good...

                Everyone was staring at each other, trying to block out the sounds of Ro's recounts of the fight, who unfortunately left out any parts about the reason FItz came on this trip. It would be so much better to get it over with, so Sophie could see why, instead of being her oblivious little self, which frankly, was not at all adorable.

                 "And then Biana went 'YOU DO NOT GET TO SAY THIS TO ME' and Fitz was like 'BUT YOU'RE ONLY MY LITTLE SISTER! OH FORGET IT' and Biana was like "OH YOU BETTER NOT FORGET IT, FITZ' and then we were like 'CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP' and Biana was like 'GRINGRINGRINGRIN' and that was the best thing I have seen my whole life," Ro said, finally taking a breath and flopping down on the couch to eat her snacks.

                   Marella tried to suppress a grin, but it came out anyway. The ogre princess was the best.

                  Finally, someone else said something. "Um, what happened in here? We heard yelling and came to see what was wrong, but...?" Keefe questioned.

                 Sophie was staring at where Fitz had left the room. "Well...what part did you come in at?" Biana asked carefully.

                  "I guess where Fitzy said he was looking for Alvar himself..." Keefe said, looking at Sophie to double check. She nodded.

                 Marella looked at Biana's face, and it looked like she wanted to smack herself for not noticing them.

              " heard all that?" Biana asked, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I was just-"

              "No, it's fine," Sophie interrupted. "Thanks for saying that. About Edaline being my mom, and how I did the right thing. But...I...want to talk to you later. It's not important now, but..."

               Biana nodded vigorously. "Yeah, sure. Anytime." Marella noticed she snuck a glance at Tam afterwards, who was looking at Sophie. Biana looked ashamed that Tam had heard all of that, like she did something wrong. Which she didn't. But then Tam smiled at her, and she grinned shyly back.

              Ugh. Of course, Tam liked Biana. Why wouldn't he? She was pretty, and perfect, and smart, and friendly, and funny, and stood up for herself and Sophie. Marella blew the thought away. It wasn't Biana's fault that she had so many boy troubles. Not her fault she was a Pyrokinetic. It still stung a little, seeing Biana looking so fierce and pretty and all the boys loving her.

               "Sooooo...what did you think, Keefe?" Marella asked with a grin. This would've been good gossip if it wasn't about her kind-of friends. And Linh.

                "Ooo, yes, tell us, Hunkyhair!" Ro said with her stomach on the couch, and her chin resting in her hands, ready for his opinion.

                Keefe smirked. "Well, I didn't hear anything about me, so the argument couldn't have been that good." That broke the ice a little, and Biana smiled at him.

                 "But I think it was cool how you stood up for yourself, Biana," he said, addressing her. Biana blushed, and Keefe and Sophie exchanged a look that an Empath probably couldn't interpret. But Marella had years and years of interpreting looks and tones of voices and words from her mom, and from people gossiping, so if she were to guess, she would say that Keefe and Sophie had a conversation about Biana and Keefe's relationship. Marella assumed Biana liked Keefe, but Keefe didn't like her back, and was trying not to lead her on. She thought Biana's crush had faded, but it seemed to still be lingering a little. Maybe that meant Tam-

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