Nico Robin (One Piece)

Start from the beginning

To the captain's surprise, Nico has eaten a Devil Fruit, which allowed her to copy her own limbs like flowers.

Over the next few days, Nico took to helping around the ship as a means of thanks, and quickly became well liked by the crew despite her somewhat stern demeanor.

One one day, sunny and warm, the captain met Nico as he investigated the condition of his cannons.

Nico: Captain.

Captain: Nico, I'm happy to see you up and about. Are you enjoying your accommodations?

Nico: Yes, though I'm a bit concerned over the safety of your ship.

Captain: As is every shipwright on the seas.

Nico: For good reason. Your hill is damaged, your sails are torn, and the cannons are rusted.

Captain: And working as intended.

Nico: Have you no concern for your ship?

Captain: I have the utmost care. You see, Nico...I died once.

Nico was taken aback.

Nico:'re alive now?

Captain: Yes. In my early days of piracy, I was struck through the heart by a blade, yet I healed and live.

Nico: A lucky break.

Captain: Indeed, but all who knew me said I died, so I keep my ship worm to act as an undead menace of the seas.

Nico: Clever.

A crewman approached.

Crewman: The stoves are warming up for dinner sir, will you or Nico be joining us?

Captain: Not me, I will eat in my quarters, though I can't speak for Nico.

Nico: I will also be dining in the captain's quarters.

The crewman and the captain were both taken aback.

Crewman: Uh...I'll...I'll go somewhere else.

The crewman awkwardly left.

Captain: I don't dine with anyone Nico.

Nico: Perhaps you could allow me to, as I wish to know more about you.

Captain: And you're interested in me why?

Nico: You are unique, that and I want to know more about the captain who saved my life.

The captain thought for a moment.

Captain: Very well, I'll allow it.

Nico: Excellent, I look forward to tonight.

Nico left, leaving the usually stern captain a bit dumbfounded.

Timeskip, Captain's Quarters
The ship chef had just delivered the meal of meat and vegetables to the captain along with a second plate for Nico.

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