"Of course you are Tone, go for it, she seems really nice or want me to talk to her?"

"Can you talk to her but don't say I like her like right away you know ju--"

"Tone I got this man don't trip chocolate chip."

"Thanks you weirdo on a serious note what's up with you and Vic?" he looked up at me.

I looked up at him in shock "Me and Vic? There's nothing going on between us he's just the homie." I laughed.

"Why was he holding your hand then huh Missy?" he said in a teasing voice.

"Oh you saw, it's cause I was in his room then I started to play that one song remember the one Saul you know? yeah. Well it brought back memories and the break up and I began to ball like a little kid and Vic came in and comforted me so yeah..." I said while fidgeting with my fingers.

"Ah well that's all the explanation I need, just be careful and I'm not saying he isn't a good guy he is but it might stir up drama," he said as he began to leave.

"Drama? But Tony nothing is going on." I yelled after him.

"I'm just telling you."

Drama? What the hell, it's not like we're dating or whatever even if we were how would it stir up drama? Freaking Tony. Whatever I'm exhausted so bed time for me.

-Mike's POV-

Agh it's 12:57 am and I can't sleep at all, I don't know if it's the new environment or whatever or maybe Vic and Eva are bugging me. Ah I can't take this I'm going downstairs and eating ice cream.

"Let's see what we got here" I said to myself. "ooo Chunky Monkey."

(A/N: You guys really need to try that ice cream it's delicious they sell it a 7-11 just saying.)

I went to the living room and decided to watch Harry Potter Deathly Hallows pt.1. I sat in the bean bag chair and began eating my tub of ice cream. 'Damn I needed this.'

30 minutes in to the movie I heard someone coming down the stairs, eh probably Jaime his energetic ass.

"Mike? What're you doing up?" asked a sleepy cute voice.

"Couldn't sleep so yeah." I said holding up the tub of ice cream.

"Me either, can I sit with you?" she asked smiling.

"Yeah sure no problemo." I patted the bean bag chair.

She made her way over to me, she looked so adorable her hair is up in a messy bun, she has on a Misfits shirt and sleeping shorts, and her face she looks like a little child all sleepy.

"Move over man," she pushed me on the floor while she sat down in the bean bag chair.

"You really wanna hurt me today don't you?" I laughed sitting next to her.

"I'm sorry, it's cause your big butt doesn't let us fit," she poked my stomach.

"I wouldn't be talking about big butts missy," I returned her poke.

"Shut up," she blushed.

"I'm joking, you're perfect just the way you are," I mumbled a little.

She turned to me, "Mike?"

"I-I'm sorry, it was like in the moment or whatever I'm sorry." I kinda stuttered.

"It's okay Mike, I think you're pretty perfect yourself," she mumbled as well.

I couldn't believe my ears, am I dreaming or? Does this mean she likes me or am I interpreting it wrong? Ah my brain hurts.

-Evelin's POV-

What am I saying? I really do think I might like Mike, but Vic? Honestly Mike caught my attention from the get go, but maybe I leaned on Vic cause I was shy or something, I mean Mike has the looks and fun personality (not saying Vic is ugly and bland no way man.) I need to sort out my freaking thoughts!

He was looking at me and I was looking down at my fingers.

"Eva..." he lifted my head up.

"Yes?" I asked quietly

"I like you, and I know it's only been two days but I seriously fell in love with you when Tony would talk about you and I know you probably like Vic and not m-..."

"I like you too" I said in almost a whisper.

He looked up at me and a smile formed "Really?"

"Yeah I just find you to be like different, fun, and I don't know what it is about you honestly but I like it..." I paused "...and well you're pretty hot." I laughed.

"So you only like me for my looks?" he said in a fake offended voice.

"Not entirely, I like you, as in who you are. Get me?"

"So what happens now? I think I wanna get to know you even more before anything else starts," he said looking at me.

"Well duh I ain't giving in to you just like that." I laughed.

He laughed, "So babe, can I call you babe? I was thinking we should have a house party to celebrate ya'know?"

"Can I call you babe too? Imma call you that no questions asked, I think that be awesome."

"Weeell seems like we're getting close," he laughed. "So we'll plan everything for Saturday yes?"

"You mean today?" I looked at him in confusion.

"Oh shit! Yeah but like in the morning I'm not stopping my Harry Potter movie," he pouted.

"Fine I won't make you stop it." I said as I nuzzled in to his chest and watched the movie.

-Mikes POV-

So all in all this day has been awesome, I have this awesome girl next to me and our feelings are the same. I just feel bad, I think Vic has a thing for her but I can't help the way I feel either I'm just glad we might become a "thing".

"Babe, isn't Hermione hot?" I said teasingly.

She looked up at me and rolled her eyes, "Yeah like Harry he's a hunk." she laughed.

"You're so cute babe," I kissed her forehead.

When the movie was over she was sound asleep on my chest, I decided to carry her to her bed.

She moved around a little "Shh, Shh, baby go to sleep." I whispered to her.

When I laid her on her bed I wanted just to crawl in with her and cuddle but I knew it was too soon so I covered her and went off to my room. One things for sure this girl is gonna make me happy.


There you have it, whatdaya guise think? :3 please comment, vote all the good stuff ya know :D now I'm off to eat some Chunky Monkey Ice Cream seriously try it ._. ! Lol bye.

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