Chapter 11

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Remember this chapter is now starting in February :3 enjoy c:


Chapter 11

-Mike's POV-

"Mike help me put this up," Eva handed me the birthday sign.

We were throwing Tony a surprise party, we had decorated the house in balloons, streamers and even got a piñata.

It's been a couple of months since we got signed and Josh changed everything for us. We released our album like we had planned but didn't go on tour. He wanted to see how people took to us whether they'd like us and so far the fans have loved us so now we're finishing up our second album and we're going on tour in a week for four months.

Jaime came rushing in, "Vic said they're on their way."

We had asked Vic and Pervy to take Tony out so me, Eva, Jaime and Sofia could decorate.

If you're wondering about Tone and Suhey they broke up but it was mutual and they're still close friends she just knew she couldn't take the strain of a long distance relationship so they broke up.

"So what are we gonna say when he comes in?" Sofia questioned.

"Surprise duh!" Jaime laughed.

"That's too common, how 'bout Happy Birthday Tony." I suggested.

"Wow babe, very original..." Eva said sarcastically, "Let's change it to Turtle instead of Tony."

"You guys better yell loud since its only us." Jaime said looking out the window.

He began to panic, "They're coming! OH MY GOD! Where do we go, where do we stand?"

Eva grabbed his face, "Jaime calm down, we're going to stand in front of the door." He relaxed, "Here wear this" she snapped a party hat on him.

"Ouch, that hurt."

She handed us party hats. We got in front of the door, the knob turned and in came Tony.


His smile was bigger than ever, "You guys shouldn't have."

"Oh shut up you know you wanted it," Vic messed up Tone's hair.

"Thanks guys," he came around hugging us.

We went out to the back where we were gonna have our little get together.

"You guys do have veggie burgers right?" he said quietly.

"No duh Tone, what kind of friends would we be?" Eva handed him a burger.

After eating we broke the piñata filled with goodies but mostly with some little plastic tequila bottles. I then brought out whiskey and more drinks and the 'party' began. We danced with each other but Eva kept dancing off with Tony and it didn't feel right to me.

"My turn to cut in," I cut in to their dancing.

"Babe I just danced with you for like five songs."

"So, you're MY girlfriend and I don't think you should be dancing with other guys!" I said kind of snappy.

"Mike, relax its Tony why are you acting like this?"

"Just forget it" I felt a little angered, I went to sit on a chair and drink.

Vic shut off the music, "Hey guys shut up for a minute," we directed our attention to him, "I just got a call from Trevor he asked us to play one more show before we go on tour and I said yes."

If you kiss me goodnight, I'll know everything is alright.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora