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Gulf left with Tul for work . He and Tul worked in their family company which is known as K.T enterprise. It is one of the biggest companies in Thailand. As gulf entered with Tul they were greeted by his bestfriend Mild.

"hey Gulf watsup" ,Mild yelled as he worked over to Gulf in the lobby of the company ."shiaa, Mild . why do you have to yell like that ", Gulf snapped back. "chill man ,I was asking of how you are not trying to kill you", Mild said as a joke but was worried did not love back . He for one knew how Gulf loves to work so he wonders what frustrates his bff this time of the day." hey man .... what's wrong ", he asked him in a worrisome tone." can we speak  in my office please", Gulf says as he begins to walk towards his office with Mild following him



How are you feeling", Mild asks me when we sit down on the couch. " Well my parents want me to get married after P'Tul and the person I am supposed to marry is..... MEW", There I said it . Mild suddenly changes his face,  he knows what P'Mew did  to me as kids  but he just said," ok so tell the old man that first he is your brother in law and second you have to choose your partner yourself ", he says before I  cut him off....."well dad wants me to marry a prominent alpha and Mew suits that role plus my dad believes it will strengthen our business  ties we have with S.J corps ", I tell him . Honestly I would do anything to get  outta the marriage but for my dad's sake , I will sacrifies my happiness.

"OK..fine I know I can't change your mind or tell what to do but as a close friend of yours I will support whatever  decision you make", he assures me. Seriously what would I do without Mild, he might be annoying but also a great friend and...... I was pulled from my thoughts when Mild said" Gulf forget the marriage shit and let's go we have  clients to speak . NOW MOVE YOUR ASS", he yells at me while he walks down the hall." this asshole friend .... URGH".



" Are you listening to me Boat", I yell at the guy  who is supposed  to be my best friend . " what  Mew ,I am working as my job demands so spare me the nonsense of love , will ya'" ,he says back clearly oblivious to my situation." Boat  I need a friend now please", I beg him because  knowing Boat he never turns work mood off until he closes . " fine talk ", he tells me still looking at the management files. " you know Art and I are a thing but my por wants me to me that no hope boy Gulf .", I say with so much hatred in my voice as i clearly to breath the same air as that boy. " and why should I care", he asks me with his attention still on the files . "because you are gonna rape him"."WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK DID YOU SAY", he yells back at me with mad eyes. 

" ohh.... calm down friend not actual rape pretend rape ", I say as I try to  convence him to agree. " what ever your crazy plans are Mew I will not do it . Now forget  this garbage plan and lets talk business you fool". he begin to talk business but all I can think of is how to exclude Gulf  from my life permanently  ........... 





























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