A Mug

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I'm sitting at your kitchen table,
Nursing a pleasant mug of my favorite drink,
Hot chocolate you prepared for me,
Before you sat down beside me to sip at your own,
And when I look down a feeling hits me,
A soft fondness I feel only for you,
Because you have a favorite mug, I've noticed,
A cute pink glass different from the rest,
Decorated with a large red heart,
One you always, always use yourself,
One you won't let anyone else wash,
Lest they drop it and it shatter,
But in my hand is that cute pink mug,
My heart swelling in my chest,
I hug the drink closer to my heart,
Unsure if the warmth is caused by the warm drink,
Or the feeling of knowing you trust me so much,
That I can hold your favorite mug,
(That I can hold your heart)

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