039 | a very curly christmas

Start from the beginning

"Yes!" Carly exclaimed, nearly jumping out of her seat. "Oh, me first!"

She began picking out the gifts she'd wrapped before anyone else could argue, grinning like a madman. Her French accent always came out much stronger when she was excited, Albany noticed with a smile. Maybe she wasn't dreading the ball so much after all.

"Here, Albany, for you," the girl said happily, practically shoving a box into Albany's arms before she moved onto the next gift.

Albany was nearly hesitant to rip open the neatly wrapped present, though eventually gave up trying to carefully undo the tape. The object inside was very curious, another Muggle gadget of some sort. It resembled Rita Skeeter's photographer's camera, though much smaller, fitting smoothly into one hand. Albany glanced questioningly to Carly, and grinned as the girl jumped at the opportunity to explain.

"It's a Polaroid!" she told her brightly. "I've charmed it to work in the castle; you can take pictures with it to keep forever!"

Albany's eyebrows rose considerably, impressed. Curiously, she brought the camera to her eye, and turned it on Fred and George, who both grinned at her, still in the middle of unwrapping their own gifts. She pressed the button under her index finger, and almost immediately, out came a black square of shiny material.

"Shake it!" Carly urged her, and feeling a little silly, Albany complied, amazed as she watched an image of the twins slowly appear where the black faded.

"That's magic," she breathed, staring at the camera in awe. "Thank you!"

"Muggle magic," Carly corrected her with a wink, and returned to watching the others investigate their own presents.

The gift exchange continued on through the morning, to much laughter and overall joy. Alicia had bought Albany a silver pair of heels to go with her dress, and Lee gave her a small collection of superhero comic books - "For inspiration in the tournament!"

Angelina's gift was surprisingly heartfelt; a simple, broad white candle that had the magical capability to take on the scent associated with a particular memory. It was charmed to never burn out, either, and Albany took it very gratefully, smiling at the taller girl.

"Here's from George and me," Fred said, handing Albany a small box, and the mischievous glint in his eyes shone a little brighter than usual.

Albany raised an eyebrow at him suspiciously, and picked out her present for the twins, handing it to him at the same time. "I just have a feeling," she assured him with a knowing grin, as he glanced to her in questioning amusement.

As it turned out, they had gotten each other dungbombs.

Fred burst out laughing as he opened the box, and even George smirked at the sight of the troublesome little object inside. Albany grinned, grateful only that neither of them had decided to set off the bombs, unlike last time they'd "exchanged" them.

"For old times' sake," she laughed, and the twins both beamed at her.

Fred reached for another wrapped gift then, and passed it to her with a soft smile. "This one's from just me," he explained, and leaned in to whisper, "George got something for you before the whole spell thing, but I hid it from him until he's back to himself."

Albany grinned at the redhead, silently glad he had done so. She wasn't sure where things stood with George while he was still in the grasp of old magic, but was sure it would feel more heartfelt if the real George Weasley gave her the gift he'd picked out.

In the meantime, she tore open Fred's messily wrapped present, smile growing as she pulled out a lengthy scarf in the traditional Slytherin colours.

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