"Yeah! Are you ok?" Pyronica asked.

"I'm fine I'm fine." Dipper laughed. He held up his hands and waved them a bit as though to shoo away their concern. "It's just a scratch, I got it from trying to pet a stray cat!" He laughed.

Bill and Pyronica stared at his wrists which were revealed from the hoodies sleeves falling a bit while he lifted up his arms.

"Come on. What did I miss?" Dipper asked.

Pyronica and Bill shared a look but didn't say anything.

"You didn't miss much.. it's school. Absolutely dreadful." Pyronica said.

"Yeah! It was boring without you ya know! I didn't get to mess with you at all!" Bill said pinching Dippers cheeks.

"Ouch Bill that hurts." Dipper said shooing his hands away.

"You're so cute, Pinetree." Bill said.

"Don't be weird." Dipper said he turned towards the school. "I missed this place." He said.

"I'm being weird? You're the one being weird, Pinetree. You literally hate school!" Bill said.

"Yeah, Dipper, are you ok? Who are you and what have you done with the real Dipper?!" Pyronica yelled jokingly, shaking Dipper by his shoulders.

"Careful Pyronica, you don't want to scramble his brains." Bill said tapping her shoulder.

"Right right, my bad." Pyronica said letting Dipper go.

The bell rang and everyone began to hurry to class.
The day went by quickly and before Dipped knew it it was already lunch time.

Dipper was walking to the cafeteria when he was corner by the kids who had gotten in trouble for assaulting him in the locker.

"Well look who it is! My old pal Dipper!" He was surrounded by three guys. The one who had talked to him saw the listening device that was designed to look like a pin. The pin was a triangle.

"Neat pin! Can I have it?" The boy hissed. It looked like he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"It's not mine to give. I'm holding it for someone else."

"Oh yeah? Who then."

"I'm holding it for my dad." Dipper muttered.

"Aww did your dad run out on you as a kid and tell you to hold on to it for him?" The boy sneered. He snatched the pin of Dippers jacket.

"Wait! No! Give it back!" Dipper begged. He didn't want to get in trouble at home.

The bullies mocked him in a high pitched voice. They played monkey in the middle with the pin. Tossing it to each other while Dipper begged for it back.
One of them threw it up into the air and let it hit the ground then stomped on it multiple times.

"There. Now we won't fight over it anymore." They laughed and walked away.

Dipper dropped to his knees staring at the now completely destroyed listening device. He scooped it up in his hands and threw it away.
He knew later he would brush against death.

He sat and ate lunch quietly while Bill and Pyronica stared at him.

"What?" Dipper asked.

"Nothing, I just noticed... your.. pins gone!" Bill said.

"Oh yeah.. some jerks broke it and threw it in the trash." Dipper muttered.

"So.. does that mean you can tell us about your arms now?" Bill asked.

Dipper flinched and look up at him. "What?"

"Mabel told me your father had a listening device on you. It makes a lot of sense considering how you acted when I called you cute." Bill said

Dipper rolled his eyes. "My arms don't have anything to do with my dad ok? They just got a bit scraped up from climbing trees." Dipper said looking away from them.

Bill stared at him intently before grabbing his arm. Making sure not to accidentally grab his wrist or anywhere it was covered in bandages. He quickly undid the bandages around his wrist and stared at the raw skin that was now exposed.

"Hey quit it!" Dipper said snatching his arm back, accidentally touching the raw spot, he hissed in pain.

"You don't get that from climbing trees Dipper." Pyronica said.

Bill didn't say anything. He just stared at Dippers wrist.

"It's nothing, ok?" Dipper said hiding his wrist even more. "If Mabel told you then ask Mabel again for more details."

"Your dad's doing it right?" Bill said. Dipper flinched giving Bill the answer.

They stayed silent for a few seconds.
"I'm ok. We can deal with it. Just... please.. don't get involved." Dipper finally said. He stood up and went to dump his tray.

Bill and Pyronica watched him go. They looked at each other and nodded.

A few days passed but finally it was Friday. Dipper had been avoiding Bill and Pyronica like the plague.

His father had burnt him on his arms and legs with hot coals when he had found out that the listening device had been broken.
This led Dipper to decide to avoid everyone. Even Mabel.

Mabel has been telling Bill what has been happening and what had happened to Dipper. Bill wanted to help him, comfort him but every time he got to close Dipper would slip away.

"Our father revealed that tomorrow we'll all be going swimming at a lake.. he didn't tell us which one. I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen." Mabel said to Bill who leaned against the wall as he listened.

"I could follow you guys. Get my family to help too." Bill offered.

Mabel stayed silent eventually walking away. She suddenly stopped. "If.. if you do follow us.. you could get seriously hurt... you know that right?" She asked, not waiting for an answer she quickly walked away.

Bill scoffed. "Of course I know that." He muttered before standing up and heading to class.
I forgot to add music to the last one. Whoops. Oh well.

Wash your damn hands you hooligan.

The (not so) Perfect ChildWhere stories live. Discover now