Theo had been over protective since someoen might hurt me.

He dosent want that.

The driver escorted me to the car and I got in.

I texted the unknown number.

Where? I typed waiting for her reply.

She replied back.



The highway square's. I thought you wouldn't reply but thanks! I'm there right now. I hope to see you soon.


I gave the driver the address.

After a couple of minutes we were infront of a restaurant.

The black car stopped behind us parking there.

I got out and immediately the bodyguards secured me from right to left and behind.

I felt like I was trapped but I did understand.

I have to.

It's a must when I had haters in the world.

Anyone could hurt me and the little princess life would be gone.


Life less.

I went into the restaurant.

Not many people were there.

I'm glad for that.

I didnt want to sign , take pictures and stuff.

That shits complete torture.

"Brooke." A sound came and I looked into a table.

I would recognize anywhere.

In the table there sat Olivia , Madeline and Rachel.

The triples.

Call them triplets.

They wear the same clothes and stuff.

Differences is thier hair and face.

That's it.

This is not where I wanted to end up.

I got some courage.

Domt worry brooke.

You can be alright.

You can do it.

You need to.

You have to.

Face it.

I smiled and made my way to the table.

Two bodyguards were next to me while I sat.

The others infront of the restaurant , standing like stones.

They looked at me.

For once not with disgust.

They all smiled.

For the first time ever they seemed happy.

With me.

"Uh hi." I spoke.

Breaking the awkward silence.

"Hey." They responded.

They all looked down.

Face showered with guilt.

"Look I know like all these days what I did was wrong. It was unacceptable and I dont deserve forgiveness. Especially from you. I did a lot wors stuff and we basically ruined your highschool life by saying unknown shitty stuff. Spreading about rumours and all. I'm sorry. Were sorry about this. We realised what we did was wrong. It was absolutely wrong and we know it. We ruined soemthing in your life and were sorry for that. I'm sorry. That was not how your highschool life should be. Were were the destroyers. We destroyed it. We humiliated you. We hurt you in a way a human shouldnt be. We called you nasty stuff. We embarrassed you non stop. We were jealous of you. So much we came to the point of agreeing to ruin you. Ruin your lif-."

"Enough!" I closed my eyes.

I can't.

I wont.

"I'm sorry. I wish I can forgive you but I cant. I honestly wish but what you all three did to me was not unacceptable by me. I had to face each and everyone. With embarrassment. Guilt. No one was there for me . I had no freinds. You took them away from me. You all did. You guys ruined it but right now I dont want that. I have a child. I'm pregnant and I dont wanna think about it. I dont want to be stressed cause it might hurt the baby. I'm sorry but I cnat forgive. As much as I want from you all. I cant. Sorry."

Tears formed in my eyes.

I cant go through it again.

"Its okay. We dont deserve your forgiveness." They all smiled with sadness.

"Its gonna take a while but I want to forget the past. To move on. I am getting a child with my new family and I want to be happy. Forgetting about everything else. What matters for me right now is theo and my baby. Let's start over. You guys dont deserve it but I want to make the best. It should benefit both of us. I want to start again. I hope we can do that."  I smiled at them.

They didnt deserve forgiveness form me but in heart I dont wnat to hold grudges on anyone because no one deserves it.

It's over.

It already happened.

No matter how much your sad or not it will not be like it never happened at all.

"Thanks." They all smiled and hugged me softly.

All three of them.

I smiled.

We ordered something to drink and we talked a long time.

I must admit it was fun.

We all introduced each other and became freinds.

I got to know a lot about three of them.

Seems like they had a really bad childhood.

More than me.

They were freinds since children and did everything almost together

No wonder why they wore the same thing.

We exchanged numbers and hugged each other.

I said goodbye to them and we went in our ways.

Slowly I went from the world to my own little bubble.

Thinking what just happened.

All of the times.

Once again.


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