Who am I really?

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It was still first period and Mr.Johnson was just going on and on about himself and his summer but no one was complaining... literally. "Okay enough about me kids" he looks around and sees all the girls drooling over him, he chuckles. "Okay I am going to ask a few of you to come up here, tell me your name, a hobby or thing you love and your favorite type of food... because well who doesn't love food" he laughs and the students laugh along with him. He looks around the room and sees the lonely girl sitting in the corner picking on her skateboard "You" he points at Hannah "why don't you come up here and tell us about yourself". Hannah freezes to death not moving she looks down, "what a freak" Lizzie chew says Janae's evil best friend. Rosalinda notices Hannah's hand movements she's anxious... "I can go first" Rosalinda speaks out, all eyes on her she gets up and walks towards the front of the class, "Wow okay thank you" Mr.Johnson inspired by her bravery. "I am Rosalinda Flores but a lot of people back home called me Roslin for short I don't really have a hobby but I enjoy the beach like a lot and my favorite food is Tacos... chicken tacos." She rushes to her seat feeling a little embarrassed. Mr. Johnson claps and only 3 people clap along with him Hannah, Alex and Maia. After a long day of sitting in classroom chairs and listening to lectures everyone was ready to go home. 

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