Day 6

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   The AC had finally been fixed by the hotel manager, and the heat was slowly wearing off.

   That day they had planned on going to restaurant to eat, but Felix insisted he wanted home cooked food so they stayed at home.

   Chan was perfectly fine with it too, considering he wouldn't have to pay for some fancy whale vomit or whatever the hell else the restaurant was serving.

   So there they were, in Felix's parent's backyard, trying to cook.

   "Chan! You're gonna burn the steak!"

   "Psh- you can't burn steak." He replied, and finally retrieved the crispy looking meat from the grill.

   "And yet, somehow you did." Felix murmured, taking a piece and putting on his plate.



   "It actually isn't that bad." Felix said quietly, still choking down the food.

   "I told you it wouldn't burn." He smiled and sat down at the table next to the boy.

   "Why are you always right Channie?" The younger boy laughed, and went to grab another piece of the grill.

   "I'm not always right." He frowned and dug into his food.

   The boy stood to face the door again, drawing in the air from around him. "Here goes something I guess."

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