My worst nightmare is myself. Chapter 3

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Hey guys.  I'm addicted to four things Squids, Trains, Adventure time, and Batman. Anyways here is Chapter 3. Selena's quote is the picture above.


I woke up in my bed and thought 'How did this happen.' My mother opened the door and realized I was awake.

"Don't you ever do that again young lady you scared me to death." I nodded and looked for my notepad. My mother must of saw I was looking for it.

"It got wrecked so your father is out getting a new one.  Also we are leaving tomorrow and your meeting Annie's and Phil's kid. So behave.  You also have today and tomorrow off school." She says I nod.

When she leaves I put my fist in the air. No school for two days. Yes.  I get up and go to the washroom. I look hideous. Time for a shower. I get into my shower and wash myself with my honey products. I then curl my hair. I go to my closet and find some Adventure time clothing. Do I want to be Jake the dog or Beemo the gameboy that is the question is it not ( I rock at Shakespeare ). Beemo the gameboy.

"Sweetie come down Annie's kid is hear"

I put in my clothes and walk down the stairs. When I came down I saw my dad getting my new notepad.  It's Adventure time! I did my happy dance.  I still didn't see my mom and Annie's kid.

'dad where is mother and Annie's kid.' he pointed to the living room.

I walked there slowly admiring my new shirt and my head looking down at it.

"Ryan did you have to get her a Adventure time notepad she is to addicted to it. "

"So Adventure time needs to be noticed more."  my dad said

I heard a snort and realized I had my head sown still admiring my shirt. I smiled at it.

"Hey Adventure Time lover are you gonna keep looking down or are you gonna say hi" I heard from a familiar voice.

My head snapped back up and Luke's mouth fell open.

'Mother now can we change Annie's kid he's......... Disgusting and I'm perfect those two things don't match. He is failing school I'm not.  He is a boy and Im pretty sure I'm not.' I wrote and put on a mad face.

She shook her head and I took of my tourquise shoe and threw it at the wall and jumped up and down like a little girl. Luke was laughing and my mother was shaking her head. I went to the wall I threw my shoe at put my shoe on and stomped to the wall. I started banging my head on it. After 15 times I faked being dizzy and pretended to faint. She still shook her head.

"Not this time Selena." She said.

"You mean she has done it before" My mother nodded while he continued to laugh.

I got a idea and got up off the floor. Brushed the dirt off and wrote on my notepad 'Because your forcing me to do this can I not go to speech therapy. Please' I did my nearest puppy dog eyes and pleaded.  She shook her head.  I threw my notepad the picked it up again. 'Can I have money to get ice-cream'

"Yes but take Luke" I made a mad face and she laughed.

When she gave me the money I pulled my hair into a ponytail and got outside. Luke was sitting on the steps waiting. I write 'you coming slowpoke' he got up and followed.

"Are we really walking its like ten minutes away" All I did was nod.

When we got there I ordered a Mint Chocolate Chip ice-cream and he ordered a Double Fudge one. I paid while he wet to find a seat.

"Wanna play 20 questions. 10 each. " I nodded and  he motioned for me to ask first.

'any siblings?'

" No. What's your favorite color?"

'blue.  What's your favourite animal.'

"Tiger. What's your full name?"

'Selena Marie Gomez. Why did you get your lip pierced?'

"It was a dare but I like it so I keep it. Any animals? "

'a horse and a cat. Favorite band?'

"My friends and my band. Your favourite song?"

'rude-Magic. Your full name?'

"Question thief. Luke Robert Hemmings. Your favourite subject? "

'Algebra. Your least favourite subject?'

"Algebra. Favourite cartoon? "

' Have you not seen my outfits? Adventure Time. What time is it? '


'wrong its adventure time.'

"What ever.  What is your favourite season?"

'Winter.  What is your favourite show'

"Haunting Hour. What is you favourite thing to do?"

'Sing.  Well before I became mute now I don't have a favorite thing to do. What are the colours on your walls?'

"Green and Black. What is your favourite quote?"

'A drop in the ocean
A change in the weather
I was praying that you
And me might end up together
It's like wishing for rain as I
Stand in the desert,But I'm
Holding you closer than most,
Cause you are my Heaven.
What is your favourite quote?'

"Sometimes the hardest thing

And the right thing

Are the same thing.


What is your worst nightmare?"

I thought about this for a second. I are add you know what it is but it's depressing. Whatever.  I wrote 'My worst nightmare is myself.' I got up and left him staring.
Why hello my fellow Cookie Monsters.
Has the bullying stopped or is it just beginning.........United?  Yes. How can it just begin if it's been going on for a while? Ummmmmm *Whispers to editor* Change it to Has the bullying stopped or is it just continuing? * Smiles to readers* Heh Bye you know what to do.



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