A glistening ring💍

Start from the beginning

Put it on my finger, Nene said excitedly. Kelvin fixed it on her ring finger, a bewildered look on his face.

The ring was so beautiful, she turned her hand front and back to see it dazzle.

Only when her gaze met Kelvin's did she realise her reaction and the poor guy was still kneeling.

'I'll marry you Kelvin, you are my prince charming, my knight in shining armor. I love you and I want to spend my entire life with you and above all I want to be able to punch you when I feel like it, Nene said looking into the depths of his eyes and then she did the undo able, she kissed him.

Like, she actually kissed him publicly.

She could hear cheers and all but then who cares.

Some ladies passed by her table admiringly and she raised her hand to fix a lose strand of her hair.

Actually she only wanted them to gawk at her ring and they did just that.

Nene, was feeling herself, Kelvin chuckled knowing what just transpired.

He moved closer and whispered in her ear, I'll be right back.

Nene noded, but then she followed his gaze which landed on the small aquarium which was directly opposite her seat and two people were in it with a banner that stated "will you marry me".

Kelvin was gesturing to them to take it back and they turned before he went out.

Awn, Kelvin actually planned something romantic, too bad i was impatient, she laughed.

She giggled letting herself bask in the excitement of being engaged.

Her stomach was too filled with excitement that there was no space for the yummy food on the table.

The thought of showing off the fancy ring to Zozy and her sisters left a smile on her lips, she could imagine her mum saying 'about time'.

I'm really going to get married and start a family with the man I love. Thank you Jesus.

My love, Kelvin said interrupting her thoughts.

Hope, I didn't stay too long, Kelvin asked.

Nope, Nene replied.

Why aren't you eating, Kelvin asked.

Guess i'm just too excited, Nene said picking her cutleries.

I love you ohunene, thank you for saying yes to me, I was nervous, I was scared of your rejection, you know you've always had this phobia for marriage, I never expected you'd get carried away with the ring and even forget what I said Kelvin said chuckling.

He felt like the happiest man on earth, Nene had said yes without blinking an eye, a woman with whom he had alike visions, he had watched videos of many proposals and the ladies always seemed to scream, get shocked and those who say 'no' get angry.

Nene was indeed special and a rare gem.

How could you be scared, we've dated going to 5yrs now, I know i didn't want to get married too early but that didn't mean I did not want to marry you, I only wanted to accomplish some thing's on my own first.

I still get angry when I see girls say 'no', what was their aim in dating in the first place, Nene said as she dug at her food.

That's what I see in you, you're different, special and exquisite, Kelvin said looking at like she's his world.

* * * * * * *

Today was perfect and i pray GOD help us grow in love and strength and trust, Nene said as she got down from Kelvin's blue range rover sport.

Amen, Kelvin said.

And he lowered his head to plant a kiss on her enticing lips.

Marriage plans starts tomorrow. We must get married as soon as possible, Kelvin said.

What's the rush? Nene asked curiously.

So I won't lose control, Kelvin said .

Nene chuckled as she let herself out of his grasp.

You know what i love most about your height, Kelvin said mischievously, the fact that you have to stand on your toes too steal a kiss, it makes me feel special.

Nene thrust her hand and gave him a playful punch scurrying off .

Good night my love, Kelvin said.
Good night PK, Nene replied cunningly.

PK..., Kelvin asked curiously.

Pain killer, Nene said laughing as she entered her home, she had him say 'seriously'  before driving out.

She freshened up said her prayers and lay down on her bed like the happiest woman on earth, she was a soon to be 'Mrs Kelvin Johnson'.

She could envision their future together, indeed he was her pain killer. Thank you jesus she whispered as she dozed off in sleep.


Done and Dusted.
😢😢 😢
No more kelvin and nene.
Okay .....
I ain't gonna lie, I think am actually excited . I completed my first book on wattpad, so yes I'm glad and happy, and I'll start posting another one real soon.
Watch out for
Special seventeen and
A test of time.
There is a high probability of me writing an epilogue but for the main time, Technically Me ends here.
Thank you and God bless for reading this book to the end.
💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜-zavi. Love you guys.

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