Chapter 9: Family Drama

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Mari's POV:

When I get home I am immediately confronted with my family. "Mari! We were so worried about you. Did you find anything out? Did he hurt you?" Lea asks, running up and hugging me. I nod. "I'm fine, he didn't touch me. We just talked and he explained a few things."

"Like what?" Rose questions. "It's his brother Damon who has been attacking people not him, he doesn't even feed on people, he feeds on animals." "Well is he gonna do anything about Damon?" She asks.

"He can't. Damon's stronger than him. He doesn't even have vervain. He'd have to start feeding on human blood to be that strong and that's exactly what Damon wants, to ruin his life here." "Why?" Luna asks.

"Because Stefan took someone from him, someone special. That and because he made him turn all those years ago." I say. "So what are we going to do?" Lea questions. We all turn to Rose who is in deep thought. She lets out a frustrated sigh.

"I don't know. For right now try and stay as far away as possible from the two of them." I go to say something, but she cuts me off. "Mari, I mean it. I get that you and Stefan are friends, but he's dangerous." "So am I!"

"You know what I'm talking about. Now go to bed. All of you, bed, now." She says. I glare and storm upstairs. "Mar." I don't stop when Luna calls my name. I get to my room and storm in. "Mari!" She says. I go to slam my door shut when she catches it.

"Go away Lu, I don't want to talk right now." She does the opposite and walks into the room, closing the door behind her. "I mean it." I say, turning and glaring at her. "Look, I know you want to trust Stefan-"

"I do trust Stefan! Did you know that Damon had Vicky dangling over the edge of a building tonight? Stefan saved her. He had her in him arms with the bandage covering her wound from the party torn off. The blood was right in his face and he didn't drink a drop." Her eyes widen.

"Why do you want him to be the bad guy?" I ask. "I don't. I like Stefan, I really do. I just don't want to see you get hurt. Ok? You're my baby sister-" "Only by three minutes." I grumble. I hate it when she points out that she's older than me.

"Still, none of us want you caught between a 'good' vampire and his psycho vampire brother. Vampires are not good people. They bring death wherever they go." She says. I sigh and sit on my bed, kicking off my shoes and bringing my knees to my chest.

Luna sits next to me and pulls me into a side hug. "I get that he's your friend, he's my friend too, but we just lost mom, we can't lose one of us as well." She says. I sigh and lay my head on her shoulder. At times like these I'm really grateful that Luna's my twin and not just another sibling.

"I just want to go to sleep and wake up and have this just be a horrible nightmare that you planted in my head to prank me." I say. She chuckles a little bit. "I want that for you too Mar, but this is real life. Please, promise me you'll be careful around him." She says.

"I promise to be careful, but I can't promise that I won't go near him." "Why not?" I go to answer, but realize I don't even know why. Why can't I just agree to stay away from him? I've known him for four days barely. Why am I so adamant about trusting him? "I don't know." Is all I say.

Luna sighs, understanding that I don't get why I'm reacting like this. "Get some sleep. You have all of tomorrow to clear your mind." She says. I nod. She gets up and leaves my room, closing my door behind her.

Sighing I go to the bathroom and shower before climbing into bed and falling fast asleep. Sunday goes by and it's horrible. All of them are hovering over me. Monday rolls around I wake up early and drive to school alone. When I get there I just sit in the parking lot and text Bonnie.

 When I get there I just sit in the parking lot and text Bonnie

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Finally I see her and Elena pull in. I put my phone away and grab my bag, walking over to meet them. "Hey." I say, smiling a little. They immediately stop their conversation. "What's wrong? Where's Luna?" Bonnie asks. I shake my head. "Family drama, don't ask." I say.

They just nod and get back to what they were talking about. "Why the about-face?" Elena asks her. "It's not an about-face. You're single for the first time in your entire high school career. It's the perfect time to play the field." Bonnie says. I scrunch my eyebrows. What?

I thought she liked Stefan. "Oh yeah, cause I'm so that girl. Seriously, what are you not saying?" Elena asks. "It's stupid." "What?" I ask. Elena and I walk in front of her and halt her in her tracks to that she is force to tell us. "Bonnie." Elena says. "What?" "Spit it out." She sighs.

"I accidentally touched Stefan and I got a really bad feeling." She say. "Is that it?" Elena asks. I wonder if Bonnie could sense the death on him. I've never touched a vampire before, but Rose described it as touching a corpse. Bonnie goes to walk away, but Elena and I each grab an arm.

"Bonnie." I say. "It was bad-bad." "Is this the whole witch mojo thing again?" Elena asks. "You know what, I'm just concerned. This is me expressing concern about my best friend's new boyfriend."

"And I love you for it, I do, but I feel good. It's been a hard year, and I'm starting to kind of feel like things are getting back to normal again. And you know what? Stefan is a big part of that." Bonnie just sighs and nods. With that we continue walking.

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