Chapter 1- The Deadly Duo

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A/N: Before I start I just want to say I tried😩
Also I want to say thank you to NikitaGovender3 for the cover and thanks to Korshalia and Diequickerfor the help here and there😁
Quote of the chapter ? (Idk if that makes sense but anywho)
Everyday might not be good but there's something good in Everyday😋
Blair's Pov
I awoke to my sister Mila screaming and jumping on top of me "Get off Mila we're too old for this!" I complained.

Not moving she replies "Its your birthday so I reserve the right to jump on you due to excitement I mean today you celebrate and tomorrow you're officially Alpha and I'm gonna be Gamma granted we'll have mom and dad to help us but still this is huge"

I had always looked forward to becoming Alpha but only in the past couple days did I realise how stressful its going to be but I refuse to worry about that now. Its my birthday for goodness sake!! I sit up and push Mila off me onto the floor complaining and run to my cupboard finding blue jeggings and a grey shirt with a picture of mickey mouse's head on it as well as some socks, takkies and underwear then go into the bathroom to shower.

I come out of my bathroom and see that Mila had left and I head downstairs for breakfast. As I enter the kitchen my parents, Mila and, my soon to be beta, Adrien start singing and I can't help but smile, my mother has her strawberry blonde hair clipped in a half pony and she's wearing a pink shirt and White jeans she's standing next to my dad who has his arm around her waist and he's wearing a Navy blue T-shirt and jeans with his blonde surfer guy hair.
Mila is singing her heart out with her amazing voice, we don't know who she got it from as no one else in our family can sing that well, wearing a white flowing dress that ends just above her knees her ginger hair sitting past her shoulders and Adrien leaning against the counter with a smile she only uses around us with her strawberry blonde hair in a loose ponytail and a white button up shirt tucked into black jeans.

Most people first mistake her as our sister but in actual fact she's not you see we're fox shifters where as she's a wolf shifter however other than that she's kind of our sister as she was practically adopted into our family at the age of 6 because she got lost and didn't know what pack she was from we tried to find it but we've never succeeded but every time we go to another pack she comes with in hope of finding her older brother whom she loved and misses dearly.

They finish singing and I can't help the smile on my face I thank them and give them all a hug then my mother and father who were standing in front of the counter move to the side revealing a beautiful white cake with a fox topper on top, we have a tradition in our pack where if you're a fox shifter you have to have the fox topper on your cake and if you're a wolf shifter you have to have the wolf topper, my smile grows if that's even possible and we all sit down for a breakfast of pancakes and birthday cake.

After breakfast Adrien, Mila and I get up to go to school we head to the garage and I climb into the drivers seat of my Ford Mustang Adrien sits next to me in the passengers seat and Mila in the back since she's the youngest as we drive we all sing along to Girl on Fire by Alicia Keys.

We get to school with 10 minutes to spare and Mila waves goodbye heading to her friends. She was mainly friends with humans at our school because being the Alpha's daughter and soon to be Gamma other wolves would use her, the same with us we often had wolves coming up to us but we just had to shoot them a glare and they ran off.

You may have noticed I said wolves but no foxes there is a reason for that, you see we have to pretend that we're wolves because if the other packs know that most of us are foxes it will put a target on our backs, even more than there already is, so even our wolf pack members are sworn to secrecy, we will accept almost any rogue as long as their crime isn't too serious like murder or if they were not loyal to their pack as loyalty was one of the most important things in our pack.

After getting our stuff from our lockers we headed to class, luckily we were placed in the same class. I immediately took out my book "Artemis Fowl and the Lost Colony" and started reading as I did every morning while Adrien started to sketch a picture of two wolves playing together. When we first started high school the humans in our school called us nerds however after one of the guys made the mistake of trying to attack us at break they left us alone. We were now known as 'The Deadly Duo'.

It was now break and this new kid who must've heard of us thought he'd be brave and came up to us, "Hey nerds!"

I looked up at him calmly from my spot under the big oak tree in the school and replied "Let me guess you're new and at your old school you were the toughest guy there so you came here and heard about 'The Deadly Duo' and thought they can't be that tough and decided to prove your strength?"

He looked at me shocked but quickly recovered "You think you are so strong and cool because you beat up some kid 5 years ago and earned a nickname that kept everyone away from you!! Well I'm not scared of you!"

At this Adrien stopped drawing and said "Look kid I know you wanna be tough and all but we got that name for a reason so we'll give you one last chance to walk away before we show you just how deadly we can be." by now a crowd had formed and some of the guys were warning him to just walk away but he wasn't having it.

We slowly got up and I said smirking "You've made your choice but don't worry since you're new we'll go easy on you," Mila came to the front and said "Are you guys sure you want to do this?" We just looked at her and she knew we were serious stepping back she mumbled "Just don't kill him"

5 minutes later the guy was on the floor with a broken nose, a possibly cracked rib and broken toes where as we weren't even sweating just then Mila stepped forward again telling us to stop before he passes out.

Adrien looks at him and says "Hope you've learnt your lesson now," we sit back down while some of the spectators help him to the nurses office.

Mila shakes her head at us, "You guys could've gone easy on him I mean its his first day!"

I looked up at her and shrugged, "We warned him but he was desperate to get his butt kicked"

She walks away mumbling, "So much for maturing with age" and I can't help the laugh that escapes my lips.

If no one told you they appreciated you today, know that I do

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