|~|Tomura Shigaraki x Reader|~|

Start from the beginning

Tomura seemed to inhale your questions and exhale them heavily. He looked to the side, towards the bar drinks. "Don't think you're special," he said, which made your heart sink. "I'm not mad at you all the time, and I don't hate you."

"How does that make sense?" You asked. "I'm not special? T-Tomura we've been together for almost a year! Are," your frowned deepened. "A-Are you breaking up with me?"

Tomura sighed and held his head. "No, damnit," he snapped. "I'm not! I meant special as in a hated kind of special! Of course you're special!"

You felt confused, but then again you figured Tomura was always a bit confusing to understand. You closed your eyes and covered them before slamming your head into the counter. Tomura was surprised by this action and bent his head down to look at you.

You didn't really feel special. And he never smiled at you. He never complimented you. He never asked you anything. He was never necessarily even the least bit nice to you. And all of that went away when he went with All For One. He hadn't smiled since to you.

You began to tear up a little. Tomura hadn't seen but he saw your shoulders began to shake. He sighed and hesitated before placing his head in your shoulder, as if it would help you. You did nothing to him and just quietly cried in the counter.

Tomura seemed to grow confused hearing sniffles. "Are you crying?" He asked. You said nothing to him and continued. He then nudged you a little. "Hey," he tried. "You have to talk-"

You immediately stood up in a burst of anger. "YOU NEVER TALK TO ME ABOUT ANYTHING!" You snapped, taking him by immediate surprise. "You never try and do anything with me! You never even smile! You never even express yourself to me! I want to help you, but how can I when you tell me nothing!?"

He was silent, listening to you. Taking this opportunity, you continued.

"I have tried for so long trying to get YOU back! The old you! The one that smiles all the time! The one that laughs! The one that always asked how I was! The one who would giggle at a kitten or a dog! The Tenko I lost!" You quaked in rage.

Yet, Tomura said nothing during or after this. He just listened, or so you hoped he listened, and didn't move. This angered you even more. You shook your head and stomped past him. This is when he finally spoke.

"Get back here," he snapped once he felt the brush of your shoulder.

"Fuck off!" You yelled at him. "You don't care about anyone but yourself and that damn game in your head! You'll be better off without scum like me!" You marched to your room and quickly began to pack your items.

Tomura got up to follow you. "You're not leaving," he said in a demanding tone.

You scoffed. "Watch me." You seethed in anger and tossed the bag strap over your shoulder. He blocked your way, leaning into the door frame with his arms crossed.

"Move," you told him. "I'm not going to stay. I came to get a smile! A simple smile! Perhaps be friends again! But we became something more, and yet still no joy comes out of your mouth expect when a hero dies or something goes your way. I'm done playing this game."

"(Y/N)," he said in a warning tone. "Listen to me, damnit! You think I don't care about you?" He scoffed and blocked your way again when you tried to move around him. "I thought you knew me better. I'm sure you know I care."

You gripped your bag strap tightly. "No I don't! I don't know you anymore! I haven't known you starting the day you disappeared with All For One!" You spat.

Tomura seemed to take this in. And when you went to push him he took your hand, pinky raised to not decay you. You stopped, scared if you pulled away his pinky would lower or you would graze it. He huffed and leaned in a little.

"I guess I have changed," he started. "But that doesn't give you the right to say I don't care and that I hate you. You don't have the right to walk out of here because of something you think."

You narrowed your eyes. "Almost a full year," you started. "You haven't even said an 'I love you' even once. You haven't even said anything to me that was nice or caring! How do I know you're not lying!?"

Tomura sighed. "You're right," he said in a rare soft tone. "And... I'm sorry," those words came out a little forced and weird, but you sighed and took it anyway.

"I'm still leaving," you muttered. "Please just... let me go."

Tomura looked at how he was holding your arm. Tightly, and he could tell how scared you were of his pinky. But he didn't let go. Instead he looked up at you, his hair parting just enough. He reached up with his free hand and took Father, and looked you in the eyes.

"I'm terrible," he said. "I'm rude, I'm selfish, I'm also very cold. But I thought I was giving you signs that I cared. Apparently they weren't very noticeable."

You were confused and turned to look at him, body turned and looking into his eyes to look for any sort of lie. But what you saw was honest words, hope, and a lot of care. But you also saw worry.

"I'm sorry," this time those words came out a little softer. "I mean it, too. And I guess you can take that however you'd like. But just so you know that I at least want you to stay," he tugged you closer, and you fell into his arms.

"What are you-" you were cut off when Shigaraki placed a hand on the back of your head. You supposed he sat Father down, since he also had a hand on the arch of your back. He buried your face into himself, and buried his own face into you.

You were confused but slowly relaxed. You sighed softly and closed your eyes, falling into his embrace without a fight. Your bag fell a little now that it wasn't having much support.

"I'm not going to kiss you," he suddenly said. "At least, not now."

You shook your head a little. "I didn't expect one," you said. "But a hug is better." He watched as you sat the bag down, and you could feel the tension from his body fade away. You held onto him just like he did to you.

"I love you," he finally said.

You were surprised by those three words. But then I you lit up with a smile. You looked up at him with your smile, and spoke, "I love you too."


Word Count:

Artist Credit:
Джун on ZeroChan.net

Music Credit:

Published On:
August 26, 2020

{Author's Note}

{What do you think about the new cover?}

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