Chapter Two

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Ruby POV

The bar was full of both soldiers and civilians. It took a while but we finally got a table and our first round of drinks. Suddenly Hamilton stood up and began to sing.

Alexander: I may not live to see our glory

Everyone: I may not live to see our glory

Alexander: But I will gladly join the fight
Everyone: But I will gladly join the fight

Alexander: And when our children tell our story
Everyone: And when our children tell our story

Alexander: They'll tell the story of tonight


Let's have another round tonight
Let's have another round tonight
Let's have another round tonight

Raise a glass to freedom
Something they can never take away
No matter what they tell you
Raise a glass to the four of us

Tomorrow there'll be more of us

Telling the story of tonight

They'll tell the story of tonight

Raise a glass to freedom
Something they can never take away

No matter what they tell you

Let's have another round tonight

Raise a glass to the four of us

Tomorrow there'll be more of us

Telling the story of tonight

Let's have another round tonight

They'll tell the story of tonight

Raise a glass to freedom

They'll tell the story of tonight
Raise a glass to freedom

They'll tell the story of tonight
They'll tell the story of tonight

By the end of the song we were all standing and most of us drunk off of our asses. Hamilton and I were the only ones sober.

"This should be fun getting them back to camp." I grunt as I pull Lafayette out of his chair only for him to start hitting on me.

"Has anyone told you that you are, how you say? Enchanting, Ma Cherie?" He flirted. My cheeks flushed as we exited the bar.

Poor Hamilton had to handle Laurens and Mulligan himself. I giggled softly and Laurens began to flirt with Alex.

"You laugh is breath taking!" Lafayette cooed and poked my cheek. I let out a squeak causing Alex to snort.

"Shut up." I growl at Alex and he got quiet. "Ooh feisty. I like that in a woma-" I push Lafayette onto his cot and fall back onto mine.

"Laf, you're drunk. Go to sleep." I mumble softly at his slew of compliments and flirtatious comments. All I am met with is a flurry of snores from all four men.

I roll my eyes and lay down correctly on my cot and feel myself begin to doze off. A smile on my lips, I am a soldier.

×Time skip×

Gunshots rang out in my ears causing me to jump out of my cot. "What is happening?!" Laurens asked quickly. I grabbed my coat and knives before grasping my musket.

Just then Alex ran into the tent. "We're under attack! Quick, get ready to fight!" He yelled as he gathered his things. I load my musket and rush out of the tent with the guys.

Right as I exit the tent I spot a red coat advancing on the General. I pull out one of my knives and throw it directly at his heart. I hear a grunt as it hits its mark.

The General turned at nodded at me in thanks. I rip my knife out of the mans heart and raise my musket to shoot another red coat off of his horse.

The horse was startled and trampled its rider. As I reloaded my musket I see a man behind lafayette. It seemed like everything went in slow motion.

I ripped a knife out of my trench coat and threw it with all of my might at the red coats head and he fell to the ground dead.

Lafayette grabbed my knife from his head and used it to fight off more red coats. I bit my lip as pain soared through my side. I slowly look down and see a bleeding hole.

I shake my head and grit my teeth in pain as I raise my musket and shoot another red that was heading towards mulligan.

We continued fighting for a couple more minutes before the red coats began to retreat. As the last horse disappeared through the woods I fell to my knees and groaned.

My musket dropped from my hand and the sound of my fellow soldiers cheering fell deaf. The last thing I remember seeing is Lafayette's smile faltering as he ran towards me.

Lafayette POV

My heart clenched at the memory of Ruby falling into a pool of her own blood. Now, I'm sitting by her side in the med tent.

Its been about 8 hours since the ambush ended and she has yet to awaken. "Oh, mon Cherie." I whisper into her hair and hold her hand in mine.

I feel her finger twitch slightly and shoot up. The love of my life opened her eyes and looked into mine. "L-laf?" She whispered weekly.

I smiled with teary eyes and gently brushed her hair out of her eyes. "Welcome back, my love." I spoke softly and she blushed with a smile.

"Is everyone okay?" She asked and tried to sit up. I gently pressed her back down onto the cot. "No, don't move, Mon amour." I say softly.

"A few men were injured but none were killed, amour." Ruby nodded softly and intertwined her fingers with mine. I smiled down to her and she smiled up at me.

"Please, court me, Rose?" I asked nervously and scratched the back of my neck. She giggled and pulled me down to her face and our lips met.

I was careful not to hurt her side as I leaned into her. Our lips moved with such passion. She pulled away for breath and smiled at me. "I was hoping you would ask." She said.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 22, 2020 ⏰

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