As Merope struggled to walk closer, the gate came into view. It had a round top and said 'Wool's orphanage.' The woman felt weak and her knees buckled as she pushed open the gate. She knew she was almost there. She just had to get to the door. While her legs made her sway and her hands now both held her stomach. She was in unimaginable pain and the cold air only made it that much worse. It was a shock she was still standing. It just comes to show how much just pure will power can do for someone. Merope got to the door and she gripped onto it to hold herself up. She knocked on the door and cried out to anyone that may be able to hear her. 

"Hello? Please! I need help," she cried as she knocked on the door. She grew weaker by the minute and was about to just give up then and there. She believed there was nothing else she could do. That was until the door opened and there stood a woman not much younger than her. At first she seemed surprised but then it changed to a knowing look. This wasn't the first time the orphanage had dealt with situation's such as this. 

"Oh my dear, do come in!" she exclaimed and wrapped an arm around Merope to help her inside. The woman that answered the door was skinny and harassed-looking, with a sharp-featured face, but she was by no means a cruel woman. Afterall, she had recently started working at the orphanage and seemed to give a decent level of care to those there. She was known as Mrs.Cole and led Merope to a room where she was given a bed. 

Finally she could lay down. Her body slumped into the uncomfortable matress and she sighed softly. The pain was still there but it was eased and her legs no longer felt like jelly. She felt stable and no longer was the bitter air attacking her. Instead her body burned from the sudden change in temperature but she didn't mind. Her nose ran and her whole body seemed to just melt into the bed. This is what she was waiting for, comfort and warmth to be able to have her child. A helping hand that wouldn't turn away with disgust. Mrs.Cole didn't even give her one foul look, to her face that was. Merope didn't care what she did or said behind her back, only what was happening to and in front of her. 

In order to help the woman that now laid in one of the beds, Mrs.Cole rushed around to get what she needed. There wasn't the same staff here during the night and Mrs.Cole was one of the only ones there. Afterall, she lived there along side the orphans. They needed someone to be constantly there to care for them. It was a lot of work and at times it would get to the staff but it was needed. No one else could look after them and it would be cruel to leave them to fend for themselves. Mrs.Cole was sure they wouldn't survive. 

She came back into the room she had set Merope up in with towels, a bucket with warm water inside and a cloth. The woman set the bucket beside the bed and the towels folded neatly at the end of the bed. Mrs.Cole knew the woman must be in a lot of pain and she looked deathly sick. It made the woman wonder just how long she had been out in the cold. It was a nasty night and no soon to be mother in labour should be out in that. Especially with the age she was. However, she said nothing about it and instead placed the cloth into the bucket of water and pulled it out again; squeezing the water out and then folding it to place on Merope's head. She could do nothing for the pain but would do her best to help make her comfortable. 

It was all an hour of sweat, screams and hard work until a baby boy came into the world. He took his first breath but unlike any other baby he did not cry. Worry struck both women so Mrs.Cole focused on him. Merope was exhausted, looking as though all the life had been drained from her. Sweat rolled in beads of her head and now, instead of freezing cold she felt as though her skin was on fire. It was far too hot. She had never imagined having a baby would hurt so bad. Merope had gone through a lot of pain in her life. Her father and brother had constantly abused her until she ran away. That pain was horrible but childbirth. That was so much worse. She laid there, trying to catch her breath all the while Mrs.Cole attended to the scarily quiet baby. She cleaned him off and wrapped him up in a nice warm blanket. 

"I want his name to be Tom Marvolo Riddle. Tom Riddle after his father and Marvolo over mine. I hope he looks just like his dad," Merope spoke quietly as she looked onwards. Mrs.Cole turned to look at her with confusion. She spoke it in such a way that suggested she wouldn't be around to give him his name. Despite her confusion, she said nothing. Mrs.Cole was the kind of young woman to keep her questions to herself and instead just listen. Although nosey and wanting to know everything, she had only recently started working here. She was yet to get her confidence. 

Mrs.Cole turned to Merope with the baby in her arms. She carefully placed him in her arms and slowly left the room to gather some more supplies. Luckily, after the first incident with a woman in labour the orphanage was well prepared for times like this. She got some fresh clothes for the baby and gentle cleaning supplies for the new mother. She would let her stay for as long as she needed. 

Merope held her baby in her arms, a somewhat sad smile on her lips. This child. The child from a forced marriage. A marriage she had managed to get from a man that did not love her back. This baby was meant to keep him there but he had vanished as soon as he was let go. Now, here she was alone and about to leave her child alone in the world. She could feel herself fading. Her body grew weaker and her heart ached. Her time here was growing thin. Merope kissed Tom's head and held him close as they laid there together. This child knew nothing of how ugly she was, he had no hatred in his new heart and would have been the only one to love this woman back. 

"Ma'am?" a voice asked. An hour passed with them like that before Mrs.Cole ventured back into the room. There was no answer. No sound. It was silent in the room and that confused Mrs.Cole. She walked over to Merope and felt her forehead before looking her over. No longer was her chest rising and falling. Her breathing had stopped and Tom now laid in her limp arms. With a frown Mrs.Cole picked Tom up and held him close to her chest. This happened sometimes, the mothers wouldn't make it. Sometimes those mothers knew and that was why they came but Merope, she had to travel through difficult conditions and her survival was slim. She seemed prepared for it. 

"I suppose you will be staying with us then Tom." 


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