proper battle.

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Aizen:dont think that you wont just yet.

I teleport beside him with my sword swing in an arc. He block it with his own sword and counter by taking a swing. I open up a barrier and it took the hit. I create a distance between us and he shunpo infort of me and stab me in the heart.

Aizen:now we're even.

He pull out his sword and cut me in two from shoulder to hip.


Ichigou:holy shit.

As my body fall to the ground i use izanagi and went behind aizen and stab him in the back.

Tier:he alive!!


Aizen:arr how did you-

Issei:survive? Well i use one eyes for that.

My left eyes was white after the use of izanagi. But i repair it in an instant.

Issei:and your not the only one with illusion. I just cast illusion on reality to save myself from your attack.

He turn to face me and i open up my ems and use tsukuyomi. It work for a second but then the tsukuyomi was nullify by the hogyoku.

Aizen:splendid illusion you just did. Unfortunately i got the hogyoku and now i wont be affected by it again.

I have no reason to not trust him. He never lie in the series. I mean toshiro thought he didnt use kyokasuigetsu so that was on him. He turn his body breaking my sword in the process and  kick me to the ground. I landed on the ground with a huge dust cloud but knowing where he is

Issei:gran rey cero oscuras.

I shot a beam of gran rey cero and cero oscuras toward him. Which he casually block with one hand.  He shunpo beside me and slash. Using ems i manage to perceive his movent and use kamui. His attack went through my body and i swing my sword at him again. He then caught the blade and cut of my right arm. I sent it to the kamui dimension as he kick me to a building.

Aizen:well that was a great fight.

Then a huge lanze del relampago was shot toward him sending him flying and when he land 50 mile away a huge explosion was heard.

Everyone:what happen!!?

Ichigou:that attack look like-

I emerge from the building done reattaching my arm and having the perfect susano out.

Everyone:what is that!?

Looking at the place where aizen was sent to i saw him coming fast. All of the susano pointing finger point at him.

Issei:well infinite mana for the win. Gran rey cero oscuras ametralladora (great king zero dark machine gun)

Then a huge beam of black purple beam of light shot out of the susano fingers rapidly.

Starrk:oh come on now he can use better cero than me. Whos next?

Kyoraku:someone salty.

Then all the cero beam shot out to aizen and quite a lot hit him. But he didnt stop he kept charging and when he got close he took a swing at me susano and did nothing to it. While he was shock i use one hand and karate him to the ground. I raised one foot and stomp on him. After a few minute of stomping i fly up and fire meteoro cero(just a huge ass cero and jeez there and lot of spanish here) toward him. The explosion that happen make the one with lanza del relampago look weak.

Aizen survive and turn into a butterfly aizen.

Issei:fucking immortality.

He fly faster than my ems could react and destroy me susano in one hit.

issei hyoudou the gaming wizardOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz