Not completely cured

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"How's Mugiwara-ya doing?" Law questioned the fuzzball of a doctor. Chopper's a fairly good doctor and piqued Law's interest.

"Ah yes, Torao! Luffy's doing quite well but..", Chopper looked away from Law, looking at the ground and fiddling with his hat before he continued and looked back up at Law. "I didn't find anything wrong with him! I-is it because I'm not skilled enough?!" Chopper couldn't bear the thought of being unable to help his captain.

Law felt his heart squeeze as he looked at Chopper's glossy eyes, "That's definitely not the correct assumption Tanuki-ya, you're actually one of the most skilled doctors I've encountered". With that being said, Chopper awed at Law and blushed brighter than my future while averting his eyes from Law's, "That won't make me happy you dumb bastard!" Chopper danced wiggling his arms like two worms.

Law chuckled at Chopper's reaction, Robin was right. He is truly one of a kind, an absolutely adorable Raccoon Dog. "Wha-!", a sudden screech attracted Law's and stopped Chopper's wiggle dance.



As Law locked eyes with Luffy, he seemed to be horrified as he then fell from Chopper's examination table, falling hard on the floor. Wincing, Luffy rose from laying on his back and grasped his hip as immediate pain surged through him. 

"Luffy are you okay?!" Chopper cried. Luffy looked at Chopper smiling that damn beautiful smile to assure Chopper he was fine, other than the irritating pain in his hip. However, Due to Luffy's contagious smile, Law felt his lips twitch into a slight smile he tried so desperately to hold back. In an inevitable failure to stop it, he pulled his fluffy hat downwards, casting a shadow to hide his face.

"Anyway Luffy-ya, how are you feeling?" Law Looked up from his hat towards Luffy, "Hope your feeling better 'cause I've got information... To share?" Law stood still astonished, why was Luffy staring at him so intensely with his mouth anchored to the floor and what was with the steam coming out of him? He wasn't some type of food to be gawked at like this, so why? He tightened his hold on his sword, Kikoku, and raised his eyebrow at the sight before him.

"Luffy-ya!?" Luffy internally screamed at himself as Law saying his name repeated in his brain like an endless cycle. "Ah it's getting a bit smokey", Chopper swatted his hands at his face as if desperately trying to swat a fly. 

"Mugiwara-ya could you turn it down a notch!" Law covered his mouth with his hand which made his voice sound muffled.

"Oh whoops, sorry Torao and Chopper! It just happens you know?" Luffy rubbed the back of his neck while calming himself down with his eyes closed. With Luffy finally gaining back control over his body, the smoke slowly disappeared, and Chopper skedaddled his way towards Luffy with concern all over his face. 

"Luffy are you fine now? Do you feel better? What happened? Are you alright? Does it hurt somewhere?" before Chopper could continue bombarding him with questions, Luffy hugged him making him shudder under the sudden touch and affection. 

"Thanks to your help Chopper, I'm better than ever! Thank you!" Luffy snickered with his signature smile that shines over every obstacle. 

"Shut it you jerk that doesn't have me happy or anything" Chopper swatted at Luffy's face, blushing with his eyes closed and wiggling his body away from him.

Luffy peeled his eyes open to see that Law already left the room, leaving Luffy to question why he is acting this way towards his allied captain. He needed to know immediately to make sure that he wasn't dying. "Chopper I have something to ask you.." Luffy looked at Chopper who had his head tilted to his left.

"My heart hurts.."

"Your heart hurts? What do you mean Luffy?"

"And my stomach. It feels like there's butterflies in here" Luffy pointed at his stomach.

"I don't understand Luffy, w-"

"And don't get me started with my brain! It's like conspiring against me or something whenever I see Torao!"

"Eh Torao? Luffy I don't understand your condition, maybe you should speak to Torao about this".

Luffy stared at Chopper as if he solved some great mystery, "Ah huh! Chopper you're totally right! Why didn't I think of asking him myself since this is all his fault after all!" With newfound courage and ambition, Luffy bolted out of Chopper's office, thanking his little reindeer friend on the way out. 

Alright! A few minutes from now, Luffy's definitely going to get to the bottom of this sickness of his and be completely cured with the help of his allied captain!

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