How much longer

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"Tomorrow, 5:30 in the morning. Pack up cause it's going to be a huge journey through hell."

(Y/n)'s POV

I got up and looked over at my phone, '4:30....seems like I have 1 hour to prepare.' I got up and refreshed myself then walked towards my bag which had my weapons. I went on cleaning and polishing the stains off my weapons, then setting them down when, "(y/n) san, when did you even wake up?" Hinata asked curiously. "Oh! I woke up at 4:30." I replied to the ginger head then asked, "Hey, do you have a weapon with you?" He shook his head, "No...i haven't. Only Daichi san and Tanaka san go outside. Others stay here indoors and help Suga san in settling and protecting this place." I nodded in an understanding manner. "I see....well now you have to have one to protect yourself as we will be out in the open and we won't always be there to protect you." I pointed towards the weapons in display and continued, "Therefore I am letting you choose any weapon of your liking which might be helpful and easy during an attack." The ginger head widened his eyes and stared at me in shock. I giggled lightly and said, "Don't worry I can teach you how to use it. Okay?" Hinata nodded and walked towards the the set and took a pair of daggers, "How about this (y/n) san? Is it a good choice?" I grinned and replied giving him a thumbs up, "Nice one."
I taught Hinata how to throw it properly so far. It seemed like he grasped them pretty well. 'Well, he can use it but on easier targets. I still gotta teach him more.' I thought.
Around an hour or more everyone started getting up and preparing themselves for the journey. I stood near the window ledge looking outside to find any movement when someone tapped my shoulder, "Hey....we are all set to go (l/n)." Suga san said. "Alright then, we can all start moving then." I told and started walking towards the group with the third year. "Um..(y/n)?" Kenma called. I looked towards him in reply, "How old are you?" He asked. "Oh me? I'm 16 years.Why do you ask?" I replied cheerfully. He turned away from me and said in a low tone, "Just wanted to know." 'Hmm? I wonder why though..' I thought then left it and went ahead with the others to talk.





Hinata's POV

'How long has it been already?? I'm getting booooorrreedd!!!' I thought. "(y/n) san......How much longer??" I whined. They looked at me and replied, "Just a few more minutes and then we can rest.." I jumped up and looked at the (e/c) eyes excitedly and asked, "We are going to reach the camp in just a few minutes??" Just then Kageyama butted in and replied, "No boke!! We still have  a  long way to go you idiot! We are just resting in some place for the night then we'll resume it the next day!" I got upset and screamed back at Kageyama, "Shut up Bakayama!! I didn't ask you!!!" "Hah!?"  With that the both of us started to fight. "Is this what you deal with everyday??" Kuroo asked Daichi. Daichi just nodded in agreement, "Man! I pity you bro!" Kuroo said slapping the poor Karasuno captain.  





(y/n) POV

'Finally! We can rest!!'  I thought happily seeing a small ruined building a few feet away from us. Everyone dashed towards the building even the ones that were always reserved were also screaming in joy. "Wohoo!! Finally a place to rest!!" Yamamoto, Tanaka and Nishinoya shouted in joy. "Be quiet!! Your going to attract those creatures by your voices idiots!" Hissed the moms of both teams (Yaku and Sugawara). "Oop-Sorry!" They replied back in chorus as loud as they could. The others just shook their heads in dismay and Kuroo and I laughed. 

once we settled down the place we were all seated in a circle and talking casually as no one wanted to go to sleep yet, "Can you guys tell us how you all met?" I asked in curiously. "Oh~ About that~ We first met Karasuno during our first practice match in our school." Kuroo said and turned towards Kenma and asked, "Right?" Kenma just nodded his head and went back to playing his game. 'I wonder where he even got that? Hell even carried it all the way without getting it damaged~' I thought then snapped my attention back to the others when they asked me, " Oh by the way (y/n) san! Can you tell us how you met Nekoma? Please please?" Hinata asked with puppy dog eyes. "Haha, Sure i can tell you Hinata. Calm down." I said laughing in between. The whole Karasuno's attention was on me, I cleared my throat and started, "Well me and my friend were walking down the road scavenging for supplies when we found their school, we were walking when some people were talking *cough**cough* i mean shouting," I said correcting myself and took a glimpse of the said team whose faces were deep red in embarrassment and continued,  "We called out to them, then they later opened the door  and then we introduced ourselves and escaped the place. That's it!" I clapped my hands and adjusted my sitting position. "Well you even forgot about how you attacked a bunch of  creatures and then sitting near the vending machine trying to decide which flavor to choose when you were currently facing death...." Kenma muttered loudly and looking up at me, I raised my hands in defense and replied, "Hey!! It was hard okay? Choosing a flavor from two awesome ones are hard!!" The place was in silence for a minute when all of a sudden the whole place was erupted in laughter. I blushed furiously and pulled my head down in embarrassment. "S-shut up guys!!" I stammered trying to gain my composure. 


Another chapter done!!! Also sorry for not uploading for s few days I was kinda busy.


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