Wait whaaat!?

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"Three weeks ago..." (y/n) replied now that 'cool person look' was totally gone and showed a broken person.
(y/n) POV
"Wait what!? " A boy with black bedhead replied. 'What is so surprising about it? ' I thought.. "I thought this was the first day it all started. " One boy with pudding head replied. Now that caught my attention.. 'Huh? How is that possible? It's been weeks since the attack and they are seeing it for the first time! ' I thought with shock. 'You gotta be kidding me! ' "How is that even possible!?" One of the guys exclaimed. "Well now it is." (y/n) replied lazily trying to keep my cool. "Geez, (y/n) you got to be a bit kind to them! They have never experienced it until now. " Elyssa said. I just sighed in response.
"How did you guys even find out when it started? " A tall silver haired boy asked. "A-about that... Um" Elyssa shifted herself uncomfortably and then looked at me. "It's none of your business." I replied icily.
Kenma's POV
"It's none of your business." the (h/c) haired person replied icily. 'Did we trigger any memory of theirs? ' I thought. "Could you tell why? Because it does involve us and we need some idea about how it started to handle the situation. " Lev said. The (h/c) haired person got up suddenly and was about to leave when they spoke "I don't want to talk about it. If you want to get some information just go ask Elyssa." They stopped mid way and spoke again looking at Elyssa, "I'm going and getting some stuff call me when you are done." With that the (h/c) haired kid left. "Isn't that guy going to get killed if they go alone like that? " Kuroo asked slightly concerned. I nodded looking at the brown haired girl..Elyssa was her name right? "The zombies are the ones I am now concerned about.. " Elyssa said. "May I know why? " Yaku asked. "Well, if (y/n) is annoyed or pissed then.. You can..well say they are good as gone.. " The brown haired girl said. "DIE!! " A voice screamed...

No one's POV
"DIE!! " A voice screamed and it was none other than....(y/n). The whole group became silent. "Shit." Elyssa said scared. "What was that? " Lev asked clearly shocked. "Let's go and check it. " "Nope,Nope,Nope! You shouldn't unless you want to see the scene that will be in front of you once you open the door. " Elyssa said blocking the door nervously and grimacing about the last sentence. "Fine then, so could you tell about how it all started?" Kenma asked trying to break the ice. "um..about that, well as you guys know it started 3 weeks ago and the first person according to me who found it out was (y/n)(l/n)."

Sorry if it is a short chapter! I will try to make a longer one!!

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