Chapter One

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My eyes fluttered open to the sound of raised voices, the clock read six o'clock. I shook my head and sat up sluggishly. My parents used to never fight, but slowly and surely they began to more and more about the pettiest things. I didn't understand why.

I stood from my bed and started walking toward my bedroom door, opening it, the floor boards squeaked under my feet with every step. The yelling got louder as I moved down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"I just don't understand why you always have to be so condesce-" I cut them off.

"Hey!" they both looked at me with eyes stretched wide, "Austin is right upstairs and if you plan on getting him up and ready in time, I suggest you two stop fighting and focus on him."

"Don't raise your voice with us unless you plan on dealing with the consequences," my dads eyebrows furrowed deeply in anger.

"Then don't raise your voices at each other unless you plan on dealing with the consequences," my hands raised and fell back down in agitation.

"You know sweetie, she's right," mum nodded her head and reached up to touch dads shoulder.

I was happy to see him turn to her and apologize, giving her a tight hug, lingering for a minute. I nodded and headed upstairs and down the hall.

Austin was still sleeping, thankfully, he could sleep through almost anything. I flipped the light on, making the rest of his room, aside from his nightlight, light up.

"Austin, it's time to wake up," I murmured, inching closer to his bed, "You've got to get dressed for school."

I heard a small creak on the floor behind me and looked to see my mum, she whispered, "I'll take it from here, love."

I nodded and left the room, walking down the hall and into mine. It was a medium sized room without much furniture, I didn't need much.

I opened my dresser, it wasn't hard to pick out clothes to wear to school considering we wore uniforms.

When I was finished changing into my uniform, I grabbed my bag, an apple from the fridge and headed out the door.

The walk to school was short, I arrived in around fifteen minutes to be greeted by my straight haired, green eyed best mate, Grace, "Hey, happy to be back here?"

"Not really," we laughed as she gave me a hug, we started walking toward the front doors. I got immediately shoved by Madison, her blonde hair whipped across my shoulder. She and I have known each other since infancy, but somewhere around puberty she went a little bad. She had that sort of Covergirl factor about her, being that she's so beautiful, blonde, and shapely.

"Slag," I heard Grace murmur.

"Grace," I said, warning her.

"What? She is," I turned to look at Grace as Mads had already turned and walked away.

"Well, I know that," we chuckled, linking our arms together, "But we're better than that."

"You're right, sorry," she laughed with a shrug, "But just because you are, doesn't mean I am."

"If that's how you really feel," I chuckled, "Just be careful."

"What might you ladies be talking about?" I heard Emma's smooth and sultry voice and turned around to be greeted with a hug, "Slaggy Madison?"

"How'd you know?" we laughed, I looked at Mads and immediately felt jealous.

"Hey, that's a beautiful bracelet, where'd you get it?" Grace wondered after hugging her.

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