Tigrex's hunt. pt1

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A heard of long horned buffalo,

Were migrating a long a cliffside  in the rocky moutain like wasteland, they were tired and hungry but pushed on, with determination

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Were migrating a long a cliffside  in the rocky moutain like wasteland, they were tired and hungry but pushed on, with determination.

. Unfortunately  they weren't alone.

Tigrex leaped  from  cliff to cliff as he silently followed the herd. He then settled for a small  rock perch just above the migrating herd, they passed blissfully along, unaware of the danger above them, until.

"BAAAAA"! The bleeting warning  sound of a startled  calf  made all the adults look up, to see a large almost elephant  sized reptilian  creature  that looks like a tiger, stare right back, with drool leaking out of his maw.

He leaped at the heard. The herd members panicked, almost immediately  darting away abandoning  the weak old male in the back.

Tigrex  roared in fury as he missed the herd, but then he looked to his left. And almost immediately  gave chase to the old male.  He tried to run but tigrex was too fast for him, he leaped into the air, but the old made made a sharp turn at the last second. Unfortunately  it wasn't enough

as tigrex immediately  leaped again and pinned the old male to the ground, before raising his claw above the old Male's head


And. Scene

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