The presence

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What is presence?

The feeling you get when something greater than you is around you, the adrenaline rush, the flight or fight response getting triggered.

It is embedded in the basic part of brain deep in the subconscious which you have no control over.

Like the lurking presence of a pradator felt by the pray. The red lights flashing at the back of a mind.

As Rodriguez finishes his sentence,
Everyone felt a dark presence in the room, even enough to brake the wind out of their lungs.

Rodriguez smiles to see the feeble humans reaction and knew who was coming for them.

"Here comes lord of the lords, master of the world and the living God"

Everyone could here his footsteps like a herd of elephants in a silent jungle.

As lord enters the room, everyone felt the chill up their spine and without a second thought everyone kneeled.

Uttering all at once
" All hail the lord"

Dead silence followed.

Lords hand rose up, And with his strong voice he commanded.

Eeryone just felt confidence just by hearing his single word. Like no one can bring them down when he is with them.

Most of them didn't dare to look at his face, but few young men with killer curiosity tried by looking in sideways.

What they saw was an incarnation of God of war.

A tall man in about his forties, white hairs dropping infront of his face in an angle covering one of his stone cold blue eyes, cleanly shaven face, jawline and body of a Greek god,With an emotionless face.

Robed in a black tailored suit n pant, black shoes and a black ring.

He started to walk like a king who just won a war of his life, and everyone just made a way for him instinctively.

He went and sat on the dark throne, near the long window looking at the outside world in the visitors room.

Rodriguez bringing him the tea.

And everyone enters the room one at a time kneeling infront of lord talking about their problems, their ideas and some people just to feel a lord presence closely.

Lord just made sure everyone is heard.
And stares out the window without a word.

Just sinking in his own thoughts.
Waiting for someone.

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