The end of the new beginning

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Chapter 1..

Rising sun, with its rising lives, rising dreams.

But there was a man who hated sun. The man who loves darkness cuz it is the time when men shows their true colours. like
A man who's lonely, parties
A man who's broke, steals
A man who's hateful, kills.
Their true animal nature are unleashed.

The man who loves these truth in its crudest forms and have the curse of knowledge, which also make him the loneliest too.

And such man is the
Lord of fraternity.

Who is sitting in a dark room in a old royal palace situated on a hill looking towards the slowly rising sun through a long window showing the beginning of a day and probably the end of his life.

Sipping a whiskey in which ice cube is melting due to warmth in his breath.

Knock knock.
Someones at the door.
'May I come in my lord'
' Yes' a strong yet soothing voice follows.

A tall men with a gentleman etiquette comes into the room.
Robed with a finest tailored black suit.
Looks like he fought in countless wars.

Still he fears lord so much so that he's sweating even in Russian cold weather.

He keels behind the man who loves darkness and asks humbly as he could .

"With lord's permission we would like to keep a proposition."

The ominous man nods his head

"Sir we would like to change the president of Russia"

With a little time of silence and thought the lord replied

"very well Rodriguez, set the wheels in motion"

Mr riguez with a smile stands up and without looking in lord's eyes, kisses his hand and requests

"Any order, my lord."

The lord turns towards Rodriguez n with a commanding voice says

"let the fraternity know that"
"It's time".

The Lordजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें