Day 45: Stealing Bundles

Start from the beginning

She pivots, hopping off the chair she was reclined upon. One moment her legs skim Nixon's and the next her face is in his personal bubble. She scours every portion of his ashen complexion. It's baby's play to notice that the black spots have spread from his collarbone to his jawline. The scraggly flesh protruding in replace of his skin stretches further than her imagination can depict. Simply imagining what's hiding beneath all his layers...

Ro shields his neck from her, immediate strain coating his features. She's making him uncomfortable; the way he's leaned so far back against the railing is proof.

"Have you been taking the medicine you've been given?"

"I am not a child that needs reminding."

Now it's her turn to frown. "I'm reminding you because I'm worried!"

Ro's eyes shrink back, clearly surprised. Nixon is too. Despite knowing that, Leda doesn't pry her attention from Ro.

Fortunately, this highborn prince understands, but that doesn't eliminate his speechlessness. He concedes a step. "You are... worried?" he asks. "About... me?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" she replies. "You're an important friend of mine!"


      He says it like it's a foreign word on his tongue—one capable of stringing utmost bewilderment through him.

Nonetheless, she surges forward, vehemently bobbing her head. "It means I'm on your side! That's why you have to take care of yourself. If something happens to you before we can find a cure to help the rest of Edaps, all of this will have been for nothing!"

Ro remains stunned for a good while. Then, his features soften, muscles no longer as rigid as they used to be. "My life is nothing compared to my people's—the King, Queen, and other princes."

       His conviction comes right through, startling her.

"Of course it's—"

"But there is no need for you to tell me that. How can I ever expect to die when I've made up to mind to save my citizens—my family? I will not leave this world until I find a cure. That is something I have decided long ago."

Leda's lungs nearly give up on her. Not because of his words; rather, the gentle smile that has pinned his lips. It's unlike him, but genuine nonetheless. Who'd have thought such a stoic prince could smile?

"What a prince I've become, making my subjects worry for my well-being." Ro ducks away at that and starts toward the rooms in small, sturdy steps. "I shall turn in early, if it's not too much trouble. Sleep well, Leda."

As Ro disappears into the bunkers, Leda's grin is just as wide as Nixon's.

"You are quite the Htraein, Leda," he says. "I have never seen the prince exhibit such a genuine smile in years."

"Now, that's surprising," she snorts. "Ro's the hugest softie I've ever met."

She swivels on her toes, ignoring the slight stumble that comes with it. She's still not accustomed to the rocking of the ship. Scanning the deck, she steps forward until finally arriving at her fourth crewmate—currently groaning and moaning as he curls up even further on a chair he hasn't moved from all day.

Leda crouches beside him, slightly guilt-ridden. "Feeling any better, Orian?"

      "Master Leda?" He doesn't open his eyes, but his mocha complexion is as cloudy as the evening sky. His ears and fingers twitch as he tugs his blanket closer to his chest. "I... cannot believe you have to see me in this state."

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