Chapter Thirty Five

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We laid in Gage's bed, our heads cuddled together. My eyes closed I solely just enjoyed one of our last moments together. I moved my body closer to his, as Gage's hand found mine, they clasped together. They fit perfectly, as if they were meant to hold one another. Neither of us wanted to leave each other, if only I had been just a year older, I could legally defy my mother. But even God knows I can't get into it with the law again.

I felt Gage's hand caress my cheek, pulling my face to look at his. He looked at me in the eyes. A sincerer look clouded over him.

"Danny, I love you." He said.

My heart jumped in my rib cage. My face grew hot, but a smile spread across it.

"I love you too, so much."

Gage pushed his forehead to mine and kissed my lips tenderly. I continued to question myself on how I was suppose to just get up and leave this man? Finally we confessed our feelings, and he took my... Well you know...

And I just, I just feel so hopeless... Every moment that ticks by I feel like my very soul is being crushed by time. Its our enemy, and its beating us with all its got. I grabbed a fist full of Gage's shirt and pulled it close to me, I took in his smell. Everything about him was just beautiful.

From his perfect blue eyes. To that accent that you know, no American could resist. I wanted him to hold me for forever and never let me go. My stomach ached so much from the thought of not waking up beside him anymore. From the thought of not hearing his voice or feeling his soft wonderful touch every day.

I was so deeply in love with this man.

You can separate us.

"Gage I can't." I cried sitting up, putting my face in my hands as tears found their way out of my eyes.

He sat up with me, grabbing hold of my shoulder. "Danny, what is it?"

"Just, thinking about us, I realize how much I do really truly love you! I can't leave you, you can't leave me. How can they do this to us? Gage I already miss you so much and you're still here, I can't stand this anymore, I need to know that I'll see you again!"

Gage ran his fingers through my hair. "I know Danny, I've been thinking the same thing, it almost makes me weak knowing that I wont get to hold you at night anymore. But look at me, we will not  be separated for long. I just have to finish school and then I swear to God that I'll be right there by your side Danny."


But that takes so long...

I grabbed Gage's hand and pulled him up off his bed. He willing followed me out of his room and down the long hallway to my own. I opened the door and ran straight to my night stand. I looked at the snow globe that I had brought back with me the second time. My sisters last gift to me... I picked it up and looked at Gage.

"Listen, this was my sisters last gift to me before she passed away," I said, placing it in his hand "You have to give it back to me, okay? Promise?"

I small, sad smile wove around Gage's lips, he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead. "I promise you I will return this to you."

I placed my hand on Gage's and looked up at him, I leaned up and kissed him.

This was the man I loved and I wasn't afraid to admit it. I didn't care anymore. I was terrified of the next year or so that I would spend away from him, but now at least I have a little bit of reassurance that I will see him again.

I ran my hand across the snow gloab that laid in his hand. I'm sure I'll see it again, I told myself. I felt Gage's hand run lightly on my cheek, I glanced up at him.

"I'll give it back, and when I do, we'll live together okay?"

My heart leaped, but nothing in the world sounded better than to spend my days out with this man. I leaped into his arms, he tightly wrapped his around me. "Alright, I'm holding you to it." I smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2015 ⏰

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