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I was swimming in Tommy's jacket as we waited for the subway train to arrive. I looked down at my watch to see it was now 5 in the morning. I thought last night was bad enough with Philip, this night was a true nightmare. I just wanted to collapse where I was standing and sleep forever. I felt so burnt out. Everything just felt like it was suffocating me. The towering buildings, the smog, the coal, the garbage. Tommy stood next to me, he insisted on escorting me home again. He had to make sure I got home safe. I am happy that he is here to make sure I am okay. He is constantly so good to me. I heard the train approaching, so I snapped back to reality and stepped back from the edge of the platform. The ride to my neighborhood felt like it was going to last forever. I just laid my head on the window and stared onto the passing scenery. Tommy's large hand rested on mine. Feeling the warmth of his body sitting next to mine made me feel safe. That he was someone I could always rely on.

We finally arrived at my apartment, I let out a big sigh and tossed my keys on the kitchen table. It felt so empty here without Lucy.

"How are you feeling?" Tommy asked while taking off his jacket and placing it on the arm of the couch.

"Stressed, I'm just so tired but I don't want to sleep," I said sitting by the window on the ledge.

"I can stay here tonight if you would like?" Tommy said looking at me.

"You don't need to do that... I don't want to keep you from going home and getting some sleep," I said now getting a little emotional.

He walked over to me and leaned against the wall looking down at me and said, "I don't want to leave you alone, I can just sleep on the couch."

I just jumped up off the ledge and hugged Tommy. He was just so warm, he smelled so good. He has constantly been there for me.

"Thank you for everything you've done for me," I said looking up at him.

I could feel the heat rise in my face. He looked down at me with his warm brown liquid eyes and something came over me. I don't know if it was all the emotions running through me. I reached up and kissed him. I just did not want to think about anything else. I wanted to just forget about everything that was wrong with this day.

"Dany... You didn't want this 24 hours ago, you just want to feel comforted," Tommy said moving my hand from his face.

My stomach sunk, I said, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

Tommy looked down at me. I diverted my eyes down to the floor, now too embarrassed to look him in the face. He took my face with his rough hands and made me look at him. I was just so comfortable being around him. Tommy leaned down and kissed me, slowly, passionately.

We pulled away from each other and Tommy said, "I want us to do this properly, I don't want to have sex with you because you are hurting. But when you are ready, I'll be there waiting."

I nearly broke out into tears again. Tommy pulled me in closely running his hand through my tangled hair.

"How about you go get some sleep and we can go to the hospital after lunch," Tommy said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

I nodded and walked over to the linen closet. I pulled out an old quilt and an extra pillow and set up a makeshift bed for Tommy on the couch.

"I hope this is comfortable enough for you," I said while fluffing up his pillow.

"I'm sure it will be better than my own bed," he said with a smile sitting down on the edge of the couch.

"Well I'm going to try and get some sleep, goodnight," I said shyly tucking my hair behind my ear.

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