I smiled at his insight. "When did you become an expert in fairies?" Paul asked confused.

"Since my grandfather is a fucken elder, twit, I see everything!" he teased back.

"Hey!" Emily scolded. "Swear jar, Quil, that's 5!" 

Jared, Paul, Embry and I burst into hysterics at the pout on Quil's face.

"No fair! Juliet swears all the time, and she's apart of the pack too!" he whined as he lazily threw a note in the jar, maturely decorated with drawings of dicks and 'Seth sucks' written all over it.

I glared at him trying to throw me under the bus. "Oi, fays and wolves aren't the same thing, I'm not getting dragged into your swear jar brotherhood just because I'm cooler than you!" I jabbed back.

"Nah, you were apart of the pack already, cause of the imprint." Embry finished for him, chewing mindlessly on his hoodie string.

Jared's panic scale went into overdrive and I felt his fear rise as he shot daggers at the guys. If looks could kill. "The what?" I asked, sighing slightly at the idea that there was still things I didn't know. Would it ever stop?

Embry dropped his hoodie string as his jaw hung agape, and Quil looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Waiting?" I reminded, still hoping for an answer.

Paul stepped in for them. "The imprint you've left on us and our hearts. You know we consider you part of the family, Julio." he claimed dramatically.

I sighed. "You know you really can't lie to me, Paul, I can feel the panic coming from you all. I'm not gonna push it because I can't be bothered right now and I'm too excited to try out my so called powers, but don't think you can fool me either." 

The room's tense nature fell slightly, as Sam agreed with going ahead with my training. "Right, well Leah and Jacob are on patrol so it's just us today. Why don't we start by seeing how far you can push this emotion thing? It's something you're already familiar with and we may as well start in natural territory and go from there?" 

I nodded and focused on Embry who was furthest away from me at that time. I pushed as much positive energy towards him as I could, and felt it reside within him. 

"How do you feel?" Emily asked, noticing my intentions were set on Embry.

He smiled widely. "Like I'm invincible!" he shouted, feeling exactly how I wanted him to.

Sam nodded, impressed. "Have you ever tried to push negative emotions on someone?" 

"I've never wanted to, no. But I can see if it works?"

"Negative emotions are a lot stronger so I would guess they're harder to master," Quil predicted.

I focused my energy on him this time, visualising an aura his way and attempting to make him sad, but no avail. 

"I think you're worried too much about hurting him. He's a big boy he'll be fine. You may need this one day, just focus on the emotion. Not Quil being your friend." Jared was right. I was holding back. 

I nodded and sighed, focusing on him once more, and this time not holding back as I allowed my aura to overtake Quil. I was too busy focusing on the energy I was sending out I didn't even hear his sniffles until they turned to small sobs. 

Seth was by his side in an instant and gave him a big bear hug with sad eyes seeing his brother upset.

"Jesus, Tinkerbell, don't send him to therapy," Paul joked, making me realise how sad Quil looked. 

I tried to stand "Oh my god, Quil I'm so sorry, I didn't realise I could do that, I'm so sorry really," I hopped over to him on my good leg and wrapped my arms around him holding him tightly as I focused a much more positive emotion on him, the same one Embry was still high on. 

Natural Instincts - Jared CameronWhere stories live. Discover now