The Dance

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"Hyung, I don't get it. I'm not a pure blood. Why do I suddenly have this ability?" Hoseok whined, pacing restlessly in Seokjin's office. His maker closes the book he was reading, looking a little bit annoyed at his anxious progeny. 

"I don't know why you're complaining about it when it has helped you greatly, hmm?" Seokjin sighs and leaned back on his leather brown swivel chair. 

"I am not complaining, it  just feels -- weird. Like, I can do more harm than good with it."

"You won't if you are able to control it."

"I don't even know where it came from in the first place, heck knowing how to control it."

Seokjin gives up. There was no point arguing. He pulls himself closer to the rich colored wooden desk, rests his arms while staring straight on to Hoseok. His piercing stare made the other sit back instantly on the couch, as if putting him to place. 

"Having the ability to control your progeny, telepathically isn't limited to those born in the royal lineage. Do you not know about this?" 

"Honsetly, no. Since I have only seen vampires turn rabid when they were turned by a non pure blood. Hoseok quipped.

"Point taken." Seokjin retorted, now leaning on to his desk with arms firmly resting on the rich colored wood. 

"But you're not just an ordinary vampire, Hoseok. Even though you aren't born a royal, you technically still have a part of me that's running through your veins. Maybe not as potent as I do but can still give you much strength, power and most known abilities that royals do." 

Hoseok was silent at his maker's explanation. It has been a weird week for him since you had turned into a vampire. Helping you thru your adjustment, he expected it to be an extremely hard task and if not handled well, fledglings could turn rabid. But along the course of your training, he discovered new abilities from within himself; being able to control a part of your own strength, just as how Seokjin can control his. One piercing look from Seokjin and he was bound to be intimidated or worse fall to his knees. But as for Hoseok, he's able to control half of your strength, communicate with you telepathically, as well as summon you any time. This new discovery has baffled him and he's also trying his best to control them as to not put you in danger.

"But I see that you've been training her well. She didn't turn rabid as you had feared." Seokjin praised. 

"Surprisingly, she doesn't succumb entirely to her instincts. She has great control herself." Hoseok replied.

"Very well, I need you to make a report of her progress. It will be needed once we submit her registration to the council. Also, please summon her right at this instant, I need her to sign some documents." Seokjin ordered.

Hoseok's brows furrowed in confusion."Registration?"

For a split second, you decided to stop roaming around the estate. A certain pull brings you to dash yourself up on Seokjin's office door. You heard two men talking from the inside and you recognized one was of Hoseok's. You knocked on the door and Seokjin's voice came.

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