The Truth

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You aimlessly wander the streets of old Korea, unsure which dynasty or era you were in. Passing by a small bridge, you stopped and marveled at the golden sun that was almost bound to set on the horizon.

'Beautiful' you uttered as you let yourself find solace in that moment. Looking around, you're well aware that you're in a vision of a world where Hoseok had lived. A world completely different to your own. And so you thought how beautiful it would have been if you lived during this era, with him by your side. But you are transported here in your eagerness to find the truth. To fully know his past that he's never able to share to anyone. He has trusted you this much and you wouldn't want to fail him when you go back to reality.

Evening came and you wander farther into the streets. You notice several drinking bars that looked like old taverns were opened. Your feet lead you into one and entered the doors like a ghost, unnoticed. The tavern looked like a small courtroom with big pillars on each corner. It had two floors with a stage on the front. The middle floor was filled with tables of drinking men, while the sides and the upper floor had private cubicles covered with colorful curtains. The whole room was busy and fully packed mostly with men along with beautiful women serving drinks and entertaining on each cubicle.

Soon, a drumbeat was heard and music was played from the stage. The noise and chatter from the customers all died out, when a group of ladies appeared and started performing a traditional dance. You moved forward to catch a better glimpse of the show.

'Kisaeng' you said to yourself as you remember from your history class that these were trained women who gave  performances and entertainment in places like these and in royal courts on some occasions. The drumbeats and the music soon became slow and the kisaengs all stepped back with grace. When all of a sudden a male figure took the center stage and joined the ladies in dancing.

You gasped as you saw the man's face.


You squealed in surprise. He smiled your way as if he could see you there. He looks exactly the same during this era as he does at present time. You know he was immortal, but his ageless beauty is still something that leaves you in awe.  Hoseok was dressed in blue hanbok with intricate details in gold all over. He looked very regal and very attractive. You didn't quite understand what was happening. It was your first time to see and to know that a kisaeng performance was headed by a man. But you watched it anyway.

You watch him dance to the rhythm in sync with the kisaengs on his side. His movements were fluid and his smile was enticing. You then remembered that portrait of him back in his secret room. You were then convinced he was indeed a dancer.

As the show went on you notice his eyes constantly looking your way. You were sure that you were invisible in that scene and so you turned your head around to see who he was looking at. It turned out it was a young woman who wore the sweetest smile and lashes that fluttered looking back at Hoseok. The lady had her hair up just like the others, and was wearing a pretty colored hanbok. She was seated in the middle of a group of men drinking and enjoying her company. Probably one of the kisaengs too, you thought.

Her beauty was no doubt incomparable to the rest, and it was no wonder Hoseok kept staring at her. Looking at her and seeing the way his endearing eyes send admiration her way, you feel like an unworthy opponent. A wind of jealousy suddenly disturbed your emotions, realizing that this woman is Hoseok's first love. But you tried shrugging the feeling off knowing it's pointless to feel something like this at this moment.

You watched Hoseok's stage again and soon their performance came to an end. Loud cheers and applauses filled the room as Hoseok waved at them.  And then he spoke to the crowd,

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