We Found A Clue!

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Harry awoke the next day, feeling great and happy. Something he hadn't felt in a long time. He got out of bed and gave a slight stretch before grabbing his clothes. He remembered that he and Hermione were going to go down to breakfast and he didn't want to be late. He glanced over at Ron's four poster and saw that the other boy had already left. Harry gave a shrug. Maybe he'd come around. Maybe not. Either way, Harry had much more important things to worry about. That being Hermione. He made it down to the common room with barely a minute to spare before they normally headed to breakfast. He sat down on a recliner and suddenly realized he hadn't told Sirius yet and could only picture the amount of teasing he would receive from his Godfather about this new development. Harry pushed those thoughts aside as he spotted Hermione coming down the steps, a simple sweater and jeans on with her brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. She gave him a small smile as he rose quickly and headed over to her.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked as he took her hand in his and they headed for the portrait hole.

"Very well. Thank you. And you? Did Ronald try to kill you in your sleep?" She asked.

Harry chuckled.

"No. I think he's still a bit sore about us. But, that really isn't important. I could care less what he thinks as long as he doesn't do anything stupid."

"Nah. He won't be doing-"

"Or saying anything stupid for a while."

Harry turned to see the Weasley twins walking toward them. Harry raised an eyebrow at them.

"Why's that?"

Fred gave Harry an apologetic look.

"We had to stop the stupid little git last night."

"Heard him making threats and trying to decided what hex to use on you. I must say though, I never thought he'd be creative enough to try to use a reducing charm in that manner." George stated.

Harry gave them a pleading look.

"Please tell me he didn't succeed."

Fred smiled.

"Nah. Stopped him with a leg binding curse."

George frowned.

"Yeah. Then the little idiot tried to get mouthy with us and tried to hex us."

"We used the ton-tongue charm on him. Madam Pomfrey has him in the infirmary now, trying to undo some of the more harsher hexes we used."

Harry gave them a stern look.

"He'll live. Trust me. Besides, mum would kill us if we killed Ron. Though she is not going to be too please with his behavior as of late." Fred stated.

George nodded and the twins bade the couple a good bye and entered the Great Hall. Harry watched them go and sighed as he and Hermione entered the Great Hall, side by side, but no longer holding hands. But the stares and whispers were enough to make them curious. Harry just shrugged and found a place for them to sit down and eat. For a several minutes, nothing bothered them until Neville sat down by them, looking nervous. Harry could see a daily profit in his hands and had an idea of what was going on.

"Let me guess? Rita Skeeter?" He asked.

Neville nodded and handed Hermione the paper.

"I think you two should see this."

Harry watched as Hermione read through it and saw her eye widen before she tore her eyes away from the paper.

"Hagrid is really...?"

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