Me and Minho walked off to the corner of the room to talk alone.

He grabbed both of my hands in his, giving both of them a gentle kiss.

"I'm glad that you're not doing it." He said.

"Yeah, me too. As much as I want to remember my family and everything, I don't want it." I said.

"Why? What about Alby?" He asked. I smiled.

"Because I have you." I said. He gave me a small smile and brought me closer so he could rest his forehead on mine.

"Listen, I want you to be careful today. I don't want you getting hurt." He said softly. I closed my eyes fir a second.

"I will," I said, then opened them to look in his eyes. "But you better be too."

"I know. . . I can't lose you. Just knowing what's gonna happen to you is already killing me. I just want you to be safe." He said. I sadly smiled and leaned up, pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. He kissed back, gently releasing my hands to place them on my hip as I used mine to cup his face.

A minute later we had to pull away and rested our foreheads together again.

"Be careful." I said pecking his lips one more time before Rat Man, or Janson, came back into the room with the doctors. To all of our surprise, Brenda was one of them. She came in and looked at Thomas before her eyes met mine.

Brenda what are you doing here? You're with them?

Sadly yes, but I'll explain everything later. I'm here to help you escape.

How long?

What do you mean?

How long have you worked for WICKED?

A long time. But that's not important now, we need to focus on getting you out of here.

Our conversation ended and she looked at Thomas before running over to him and hugging her, he squeezed back. She whispered something into hus ear, then she came over and hugged me, then whispered in my ear,

"Be ready."

"Brenda, what are you doing!" Janson yelled at her. "Get back to your post!"

"Don't trust them. Do not trust them. Only me and Chancellor Paige, Amy. Ever. No one else."

"Brenda!" Rat Man yelled/screamed. She released me.

"Sorry, I'm just glad to see they made it through Phase Three. I forgot myself." She said, going back to her post.

"We hardly have time for such things." Janson scolded her.

I couldn't look away from her. Why should I trust Chancellor Paige? I thought was the one behind all this?

I looked at Thomas.

Did she tell you? He asked.

Yeah. Do you trust her?

Yeah. Do you?

She helped me when I had nowhere to go. Of course I trust her. But why do we trust Chancellor Paige?

I don't know. I guess we'll find out.

We watched as other patients were assigned to their beds. Thomas glanced at me then the door. He wants to make a run for it. I was about to tell Minho but Rat Man spoke.

"You four rebels are being watched. Don't even think about trying anything. Armed guards are on their way as we speak."

"That's a bunch of klunk." Minho whispered while Janson turned his attention to the patients. "I think we should take our chances, see what happens."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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