-Trial and Errors-

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"Well I told him I wanted a divorce and this is the reason! His anger issues! We had to move 5 times so far this month because he keeps destroying the house." The wife informed you. You asked her about her quirk. "Plant manipulation," she showed you by making a leaf on a nearby tree turn brown and fall. "I can speed up the growth of plants, but that's all I use it for really." Once you looked at the upset giant, you found some use in her quirk. "Thank you, ma'am." You started running around in the crowd searching for more quirks, until you found some that were very useful in this case.

"Super strength." A stranger showed you his quirk as his muscles became more defined

"My quirk? It's called calm. I can calm people down to a relaxed state by touching them." The lady touched your shoulder, using her quirk on you to calm you down a little.

"Thanks!" You grinned. You ran back up to the front of the crowd with a plan ready at hand. You used the super strength and smashed your fist into the asphalt without injuring yourself. You activated the plant manipulation and sent giant vines to the giant to restrain him. When that was accomplished, you ran up to him and reused the plant manipulation to elevate yourself leveled with his shoulder. "Ryan!" You shouted. He flailed in the vines that restricted his movements and grunted as he tried to break out of them. You hopped on his shoulder and, as soon as you landed, he started calming down. "It's alright. Can you calm down a little?" You assured him. His breathing was slowing down and his movements were now just a gentle sway. You hopped onto the same plant you used to get up there to get back to the ground. People cheered for you as you came down and the man shrunk down back to his normal size. The media being the media swarmed around you once again asking you questions. "That was a magnificent save! Hey-! Aren't you the same girl that took down those villains a few months ago on your own?"

"What's your quirk? Is it nature related?"

To avoid further exposure you reactivated the plant manipulation to get out of the crowd since it'd be hard to simply push through them.

"Awww she always beats us to the punch." Mt. Lady pouted.

You finally got to the station and looked at the time. 7:40. It still felt early but you didn't really care, you were just hoping they didn't put the incident on the news— or at least the parts you were in. You got to the school and walked inside. Suddenly, you remembered that Kaori wanted a picture of Mr. Aizawa but you had no idea how you were going to get it. You came up on the classroom door then entered. Out of the 21 people in the class, only about 18 students were there including you. Everyone chatted and laughed with each other, mostly everyone. Bakugo, Todoroki, Aoyama, and Koda were all sitting at their seats quietly waiting for class to start. You scanned the classroom and saw a desk in the far back corner of the room then walked to it and sat down.

~time skip~

Throughout homeroom, you kept trying to capture a picture of your teacher, but failed many times. You placed your phone faced down and watched Aizawa as he stood in front of the class. The class began to get loud and Aizawa tried to patiently wait for everyone to quiet down so he could speak. You took your phone out and, at the same time, his hair shot up and everyone fell silent. You decided to go ahead and take the picture unaware that your shutter sound was on. Those who heard it, which was most of the class, whipped their heads around to you including Aizawa. Your face immediately heated up in embarrassment. You shoved your phone into your bag and looked down at your desk trying to ignore the stares. "Miss (L/N)?" You looked up to see Mr. Aizawa standing in front of your desk looking down at you with his hand out. "The phone please." More blood rushes to your face and ears just from seeing him. You quickly got the phone out and gave it to him without looking his way. "Thank you. Now, as I was saying...." he continued with the lesson and you sat there flustered.

Taboo (Mr. Aizawa x student reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon