Chapter 7: The Reunion

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Another day of training done. Phew.

I've been training for 15 days at this training facility and I can tell I'm getting stronger – I can do the 50 push ups in 6 minutes now! My aim with my arm cannon is getting better as well. Most importantly, I'm learning how to control my psychic powers. Every day, I practise hitting the Fierce Pork Trooper (in a rubber suit) with PK Thunder. It's really hard to aim though –  as I've found out, focus is key but in a real fight, maintaining that focus will be hard.

One day, I remember Fassad walking in while I was practising using my powers.

"Nwehehehe! So you've got the handle of your thunder powers. But that's child's play compared to this! PK Thunder Omega!"

Four powerful lightning bolts crash down onto the Fierce Pork Trooper and even with the rubber suit on, he gets flung back and singed.

Incredible... I remember seeing the 'heroes' perform this very attack, but to see it in real life is something else. Fassad is a really powerful psychic... I shudder to think what else he's capable of. He explains to me the four levels of PSI: Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Omega. Once a psychic masters one level of PSI, they learn the next level.

Additionally, the Fierce Pork Trooper says that now that my arms are getting stronger, I can consider using a weapon. I don't fancy kicking people like the Pigmasks do and although I'm strong for a kid, pummelling people doesn't seem like the best use of that strength.

Of all the weapons I've seen, swords seem the coolest. Unfortunately, I can't just start using one straight away – swords aren't very safe after all, so I'm to start by using a stick. I wouldn't think that there's much of an art to hitting someone with a stick, but there is. Swinging to hit multiple targets, jabs, thrusts and my favourite, the power smash. The Fierce Pork Trooper also teaches me how to gather my strength to pummel foes and stiffen my body to withstand heavy blows. I can't say I'm a big fan of brute force, but it might come in handy.

But that's not what's important. Today's rather special, because this is the first day in which I don't have any training in the afternoon, owing to the Fierce Pork Trooper needing to attend a meeting. With permission, I decide to finally pay Dr Andonuts a visit. Dr Andonuts said I need to visit him occasionally for a check up on my parts. Kill two birds with one stone, I suppose. It's almost lunch though, so I hope it'll be quick. See, to compensate for the afternoon of training we miss, the Fierce Pork Trooper made us work twice as hard, and so I feel twice as hungry.

Although I would like to simply soar through the sky, this is the first actual flight I've made, so it's probably for the best if I stay towards the ground. Still, the feeling is awesome! The wind rushing past my face, zipping past everything, everything flashing by... it's incredible.

The view's nice as well – the purple forest makes me feel at piece. The wildlife however isn't what I would expect – I see strange creatures that are mixtures between kangaroos and sharks as well as pig shaped flowers. By far the strangest thing I see, is a large door of sorts that has a series of strange poses on it. It looks like poses for a... dance? How peculiar.

Soon enough, I reach the laboratory and for the first time, I notice the building itself seems to be a chimera, given the animal head that's fused onto the front of the building. Inside the reception, I walk over to the Pigmask there. I wonder if it's the same one that greeted me when I left here.

"Ah, Commander. What brings you to Chimera Laboratory?"

"I was asked to come here for a check- up."

"You'll be looking for Dr Andonuts then. He's working on a chimera on the... let's see... ah, the second floor. Room 23. Be careful you don't wonder into the other rooms – some of these chimeras are quite dangerous and hard to control!"

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