Chapter 21: First Mission

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Since my accession to Commander, a few months have passed, and now, I've been here for just over three years. Very little has happened over that time — I've continued my training, though it's been a little different.

I've finally obtained my dream weapon — a sword. But a sword requires a lot of practice to use safely, so I've had to adjust to using one instead of a stick. The power... it feels so much greater than anything I've ever had. I can slice through things with little effort.

The sword has another interesting property which Dr Andonuts informed me about. There's a generator in it which can discharge electricity, making it a sort of taser. But the interesting thing is... I've noticed that it can amplify my own electricity — the kind I use with PK Thunder.

It's been very difficult, but over this time, I've learned to channel the electricity in the sword to enhance my PSI.

But even more interesting is using that in reverse — using my own electric powers to enhance the sword. By combining the power of PK Thunder with the generator, I can increase the discharge of electricity, and control it to some extent.

It reminded of those batteries I encountered during my first visit of the Thunder Tower with Miss Marsh — they had this way of discharging electricity in arching bolts as well.

I was inspired by that, and I've tried to do the same, using my sword, but it still needs some work. Nevertheless, all my repeated experiments with lightning have led to one nice thing — the realisation of the next level of PK Thunder.

But... something more interesting is happening today. My first mission.

I've had some unofficial ones, such as escorting Miss Marsh through the Death Desert and that mission to Tazmily, but this? This will be my first proper mission.

Heading into the elevator, I click the button for the 48th floor — that's where debriefings are done for important missions apparently. The ride is a quick one, and when I reach there, I step out. It's just a corridor with a door... I suppose it only makes sense to go inside.


When I enter, everyone's heads turn to see who just entered, and upon seeing me, they all stand up and salute me.

There's quite a large number of them — and not a single one below the rank of Captain either.

"At ease."

I was expecting to see my regiment here, and I believe they are — mind you, I can't exactly tell them each apart, because I can't see their faces, but I'm sure they're here. I've learned to recognise them by voice.

However, there's more than just 15 Pigmasks, so some of these must be ones outside of my regiment.

In fact, I notice there's a colonel here... could that be?

"Well, fancy meeting you here, Commander." she says. Oh wow, it is her!

"Colonel, a pleasant surprise to see you again. I take it you've been put on this mission then?"

"Yep, I'm here as your second in command. Looks like I was right about working with you after all."

"Well, I'm glad to have you onboard." I actually am as well — though I try not to show it, I am nervous about this first mission, and though I might not know her as well as I do the members of my own regiment, I have had a number of conversations with her over the course of all my visits to the Thunder Tower, so I feel relatively assured about her skill as a colonel.

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