"So.....You think this might have been the place officer Joe" Jungkook said eyes fixated on the big white screen, showing images of different alleyways they said Jimin might have been  captured. It's not yet proven, but there is a high possibility that the crime happen in one of these scenes. During thoes investigation they found a very mysterious sight. A hidden passageway, which turns out to be an abandon bar, this place was shut down ages ago because of a criminal, who was the exact owner of that bar. They said it was a woman almost in her 50s who founds joy in capturing young men, rape and slowly killed them, then like a vampire drink there blood. They don't know what causes her to do all this, but investigators state that it could be cause by abnormalities in genes passed from parents to children, strictly refers to a group of disorders that results from a build up of natural chemicals that produces porphyrin in the body and other psychological problems.

"Not knowing who the suspects might be we had a hard time trying to tailed the criminal, whenever it would lead  to us getting a clue; it then disappears right under our nose. It's like it was never there before. The criminal would always change It's location, and the place will always stop within some type of alleyway. The thing is. What could it all adds up to? All the place we have investigated sum up to this. An alley. But now that you gave us this type of information, this guy Chung-ho you said is behind the recent crimes right? We went to investigate his backgrounds and records but found nothing about him. All we found was that he recently transferred to a new school called Tecna High, he has very good grade, his is a male and he is 17 years old. Besides that nothing" Officer Joe explains as he slammed his hands in front of him, he gave Jungkook and the others a knowing gaze who looks just as confused as him. How could he have not found anything on the guy, we know him for ages but even so, how could he not have found atleast one detailed that was important enough about him, except for that baseless one. Now that I think about it, we seriously don't know anything about him either, despite the fact that he has a sister. A twin.

"Mr Jeon, and the others. You understand what I have just informed you about right, there is nothing that stated that he ever existed in the first place. Not where he was born, not even information about his family, nothing. Just that he is male, transferred to a new school and that's it. It didn't even stated which school he previously attends or even if he attends school before this" this gaves Eric the chills.

"But although we found nothing about him, it feeds my suspicions even more that, that man is shaky in more ways than one-".

"You said it!" Eric chirped and was hit on the shoulders by Haruhi, who scolded him for interrupting officer Joe talks.

"As I was saying, I feel a bit suspicious so I did a little more investigation, I begin to check all the cameras that  I previously informed you about, I said that it was place up securely in the different alleys right?And you wouldn't believe what I saw. The pictures that you have shown me, and the video of the man I saw turning into the same alleys both matches. Although, there is one down side of all this, although the pictures matched, it still did not prove that he is the one. We saw him turn into alleys, but there was nothing showing him suspiciously doing anything". Officer Joe explains while another officer skips through the images on the screen.

"Uhm. Why is that though?" Said Eric peaking his eyes in a curious way as he watched the photos skips by, pondering about what he had just  heard.

"This is because the camera that we set up is in a location where passerby mostly go to and not the places that are confidential and out of reach from the populates eyes. This being said we don't know what he did when he went in".

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