"Hyung." Hoseok choked on a sob, leaning against Seokjin's palm.

Namjoon watched his beloved pack accept their new omega into their family, his own eyes burning with tears. Their omega was perfect, and they would be okay. Namjoon's pack would be okay.

"Hobi hyung..." Jungkook started suddenly, tugging at Hoseok's shirt, "Why do you smell like another alpha...? Is this Namjoon hyung's shirt?"

Namjoon's nose flared at the mention of another alpha.

"Our omega has had a long day. Why don't you all get ready for bed, alright? You boys can ask our omega all the questions you want to in the morning after he's had some rest." Namjoon interrupted.

The beta's all listened without question, giving Hoseok kisses, gentle reassurances and quiet utterings of "Our omega." Before disappearing down the hall to their respective rooms.

When all that was left was Hoseok and Namjoon, Namjoon sighed, "Little Seok-"

"You hurt me tonight alpha." Hoseok crossed his arms, eyes glued to the floor. "You don't trust me, and now that I'm an omega you think just like all the other alphas. That I'm something to be owned that I'm lesser than. You would have never reacted the way you did if I still had yet to present."

"I'm sorry. Little Seok, baby, alpha is so sorry." Namjoon spoke vulnerably, desperately, "I lost my mind and I know that you might never forgive me, I don't deserve your forgiveness. I know that but-" Namjoon struggled with his words, "But I was just so scared. I thought I had lost you..."

Hoseok tucked his hands closer into himself, "You just thought you had lost your omega."

"I thought I had lost my Hoseok." Namjoon whispered, desperate for Hoseok to understand.

Hoseok's eyes flickered up to meet Namjoon's as the alpha continued, "You are not something to be owned. You are so much more than that, so much more than a conquest or pretty thing to have by my side. Which is precisely the reason for why I reacted in such a way. But that is no excuse." Namjoon reached out to gently unlock Hoseok's arms, "Hobi, baby I'm so, so sorry. Your presentation is supposed to be a happy time, something that you will look back on fondly. I'm so sorry that your stupid alpha ruined it for you."

"You didn't ruin it Joon-ah." Hoseok whispered quietly, letting his arms drop to his side as he looked down again, "But you raised your voice at me...you scared me hyung...I was telling you that Yoongi hyung wasn't a threat and you weren't even listening..."

"I know." Namjoon nodded regretfully, "I know and I'm so sorry. It was my wolf that took over, I was ready to tear apart anyone who touched my little Seok. I don't regret that, and I'm sorry but I wouldn't regret tearing that alpha apart for touching you Hoseok. You're too precious to me." Namjoon whispered, reaching out to cup one of Hoseok's cheeks, bringing their gazes back together, "But I am sorry that I raised my voice at you. I am sorry that I made you feel lesser, and that it seemed like I was trying to own you. You are mine Hoseok, you are mine to love and protect. But the way I said it earlier...there is no excuse."

"So you still see me as the same? Am I still your little Seok, Namjoon-ah?" Hoseok asked with wide doe like eyes.

Namjoon's heart constricted with love, "Yes," He breathed, "You are still my little Seok, you are still my lovely boy. Nothing has changed." Namjoon brought Hoseok closer, enveloping him in Namjoon's chest, in a warm embrace.

Hoseok sighed, wrapped his arms easily around Namjoon, "But things are different now...even Jinnie hyung said so, he said our dynamic is going to change because of this..."

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