A doctor came out of a room and I rushed to him. "Doctor how is Timi? Is he okay? Can I see him?"
The doctor smiled. "He's awake and fine. We managed to get the bullet out but he's still very weak. He'll heal with time"

I was so glad when I heard the news. "Can we go in and see him?" Mide asked and the doctor nodded. "Yes you can but don't make him do anything strenuous" I didn't wait to nod as I sprinted into the room. As soon as I saw Timi in the hospital bed machines connected to him and his torso wrapped in white bandage, tears rolled down my cheeks. I walked to where he lay and cupped his face. "Timi...." I drawled out. "Uzo" he called in the same tone and made to sit up. "Don't! Please. Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded with a small smile probably to ease my tensed mood. "Just a little pain here and there"

The other guys walked in and Mide rushed to Timi's side and so did Peter.
He smiled at all of us and muttered. "I'll be fine don't get yourselves so worked up"

Mide hugged him and he groaned a bit. "I'm sorry" she said when she realized it was hurting him.

"I was scared to death" I said to Timi and a smirked graced his lips. "Aww you care" he cooed. "Even in this condition, you're still teasing" Agatha said with a smile and he squeezed my hand lightly. "I'll be fine" he muttered.

"I wish you safe recovery" Damola  said and smiled at Timi. "I have to leave now. Take care"
"So do I. I'll check on you tomorrow" Agatha added and Timi nodded as they walked out together. Peter went after them so he could drop them off.

Desmond walked over to Timi and smiled. "Be strong man, I'll come check on you later"

"Take care of yourselves" he said to Mide and I and Mide embraced him as her stroked her back gently. "It'll be fine" he muttered. When she pulled away, he gave her a light kiss on her forehead and left the room but not without biding farewell to Timi and I.

Minutes after Desmond left, Timi's parents walked in looking worried and I took that as a cue to leave the room and Mide came out with me.


"Son are you okay" Dad said as he made his way towards me. "I'm fine" I said and he sighed in relief. Mum just sat by my side stroking my hair as she watched me intently her eyes glassy.

"I told you not to return but you insisted. Can you see what you've caused for yourself? When I told you someone was after you you thought I was being overly dramatic"

"But dad we can't be sure. It might have been a stray bullet"

"Can you hear yourself? A stray bullet directed at you." He shook his head vigorously "This has to stop and now. We're leaving this country tonight" He said in finality. "My dear, you shouldn't make such decisions in a haste" Mum added and I nodded in agreement. "I've made my decision. We're leaving and tonight" he said and walked out of the room.

I turned to mum. "You have to stop him mum, I don't want to leave"
She gave me a sad smile "You know how your father can be. He wouldn't listen, and when he has made up his mind, no one can talk him out of it."

"I'll have to join him now son. There's nothing I can do" She said and rushed out of the room quickly so I couldn't see her cry.

I sighed. What am I going to tell Uzo? She's not going to be happy about this. I thought.

"Why did they rush out like that?" Mide asked as she walked in with Uzo.
I sighed how was I going to break this to them? Especially Uzo. Uzo sat by my side and squeezed my hands. "Tell us, what did they say?"

I sucked in breath and let it out. "We're leaving the country tonight" I dropped the bombshell and Mide eyes widened but the expression on Uzo's face made my eyes sting as tears threatened to flow down from my eyes. Her hands left mine immediately and she moved back staring at me like I'm some sort of alien.

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