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The sound of my ringtone for the third time made me groan as I reluctantly opened my eyes. I grabbed my phone from the night stand and took a quick glance at the caller Identity.

Early morning this one is disturbing somebody. It's not her fault. It's because they allow phones during extension.

I swiped my fingers across the phone and accepted the call. "Good morning" I mumbled.

"Why are you sounding like you are exhausted from numerous rounds of steamy sex. Wait! Did you have sex with Timi?"

I groaned. "Of course I did not. I'm sounding like this because your call woke me up" I pouted. "And it's not your fault oh. It's because you have your phone with you that's why you can disturb my beauty sleep"

"Beauty sleep indeed. Madam Model. Because you are modeling for Tara now you'll sleep the whole day away in the name of beauty sleep. Better get your lazy ass out of bed."

I pulled the phone from my ear and checked the time. I almost screamed. It was freaking 11:15am. How long did I sleep? Michelle must be out.

"I didn't know I slept that long. See me thinking it was still six"

Adaku chuckled. "Madam you did not see sun ni?"

"The room is dark. I didn't open the curtain. Thank you for waking me up sef"

"I'm sure if I didn't wake you up you'll have slept the whole day and nobody there will wake you up. Just be living like a queen. I'll be here running errands for mama tunde" She said the last part in a murmur much to my hearing. Mama Tunde was her matron in school.

"Sorry oh! It's for your good na" I chuckled heartily. "We'll talk later. Enjoy your day"

"And you too!" I added and she hung up. I walked into my adjoined bathroom and brushed my teeth. As soon as I was done, I skipped down the stairs all smiles. I heard faint laughter and familiar voices and I made my way to the living room.

"There she is!" Agatha exclaimed. Seated in the living room were the people I least expected. Agatha sat in between Damola and Peter on the longest couch and Mide sat opposite Timi on smaller couches.

"Ope ohh! Sleeping beauty is up. We were getting scared. If you didn't wake up we would have sent your prince upstairs to kiss you awake."

I flushed at Peter's words and went over to Agatha and Damola engulfing them in tight hugs. "What's the occasion?" I asked taking a seat beside Mide.

"We came to celebrate with you babes. Your first shoot was yesterday. We're really proud of you" Agatha said all smiles. "Guys it's not a big deal now"

"Says the girl that didn't blink an eye the night before the shoot" I heard that deep alluring voice and my heart leaped. "How did you know she didn't sleep all night?" Damola asked chuckling.

Timi looked away a smile tugging at his lips. "I know things" He shrugged. Mide was about to say something, Peter beat her to it. "Why don't we just get to the cake part. I'm starving"

My eyes widened. "Cake?"
They all nodded with genuine smiles on their faces. "Where is it?"

"Kitchen!" Peter announced.

I rushed to the kitchen and on the counter sat a banana cake. On the cake was Congratulations Bella!

I squealed in excitement. "Banana cake is my favorite. When did you guys arrange for it?" I asked sticking a finger into the frosting and taking the finger into my mouth.

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