(◑.◑) h.p. hate is the new love

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finally onto my second request from lmfao_nope  .

quick details:

(Y/n) (L/n) is a slytherin girl. harry potter is a gryffindor boy. the two hate each other, but do they really?

warning: mild swearing.

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Third Person POV
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"why? you're always in the corner when the rest of us slytherins get on with it! it's all good fun." pansy compained as (Y/n) was barely listening.

"yeah.. good fun." she mumbled, using her wand to levitate her book up and down the air.

"are you even listening!" pansy huffed.

"no, not really." said (Y/n), lazily.

"i'm trying to help you." said pansy, trying anything to gain her attention.

"mhm. yeah.." said (Y/n), "pass me those shoes will you?"


"well, i need something to throw at you to get you to shut up." (Y/n) answered. "and i don't fancy that object being mine."

"that's not -- you're so different!" said pansy, crossing her arms over her chest, fiddling with the ends of her bed sheets.

"and that's the tea sis." said (Y/n), now standing up, her wand in the hem of her boots.

"that's not a good thing. where're you going?" asked pansy.

"hagrid's hut. haven't seen the poor thing in a while."

"never thought you'd like giant half-breeds." pansy sneered.

(Y/n) whipped her head around so fast, you wouldn't be surprised if it cracked. her eyes narrowed to slits.

"what did you say?" she said, through gritted teeth.

"i'm just stating the facts, (Y/n)." laughed pansy. "it's time you see it!"

"oh yeah? wanna learn a new one?"

"enlighten me."

"you're about to get sent to st mungos." (Y/n) cracked her knuckles, looking at her friend. she liked pansy, she really did, but sometimes she was just too much.

"wha--" stammered pansy, jumping off her bed. "i was only joking!"

"good. don't ever say it again." (Y/n) instructed, then strutting out the door.

finally having made it to hagrid's place, ignoring the cold biting at her.. well, everywhere, she looked around. but where he was, she didn't know. all she saw was..

"buckbeak? is that -- it is!"

(Y/n) walked over to the creature, doing the usual bow, wait for it to bow back and petting it. she truly loved the creature, and didn't have an idea of where it went after malfoy's dad tried getting it beheaded.

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