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The first symptom of paranoia.

'Well uh.. Y/n you know we are going to that party right.' You were nervous yet excited to go.

'Yes Namjoon, I'm just nervous. Like, you know... how do I say this. Well to put it together we are going to a kids birthday party to murder one of them over a fucking prophecy!'

'Yes, if you put it that way. Now come on we're going to be late. We've been doing this for ages, you must be used to it.'

Indeed Namjoon was correct. You must've been used to it. Yes, being used to murdering harmless children over and over and over and over and-

'Yes your right but your just going to ignore the fact that how weird this is. That we have killed so many children...Over a belief?'

With one deep sigh, Namjoon had to let it out. That it was the truth. That they were doing this. Well, over a belief.

'Look, Y/n there is nothing we can do. If you want to stay alive or if you want your family to stay alive then we have to go forth. We can't just keep complaining about how this is wrong, or it's disgusting and weird.

I do feel the same but we'll just have to deal with it.'

'And so well deal with it! Why can't we just disappear. You know, like ghost?'

Even though you may have had a point, you still were blocking out one more thing.

'So are you just going to exclude the fact that we have trackers and we can't start a new life without being caught wishing the first second of other grail? Ugh, look Y/n I don't have time for this lets just go.'

And so you both went. You stepped outside of a big bungalow with a small porch filled with adults looking as if they were ready to have a big orgy but of course they couldn't because of the children.

'We're here. Let's get out.'
As you stepped outside of the car, all heads turned to the both of you. For no utter reason, a sharp chill ran through your spine as soon as all the eyes turned on you. This had never happened before. It wasn't normal. Not at all.

So caught in the depth of people's judgment and stares, your body drove itself straight into an error. Unable to move. Unable to speak. Unable to lift a finger tip. All voices and noises were blocked out from you and you stood there still. Quiet. From your point of view. But from Namjoon's view, he looked at your frozen state and frustration built up inside him.
He said once. He didn't feel the need to repeat himself but he couldn't have just dragged you into the house causing a scene. Now, you were both dressed as...Well, clowns. Yes "clowns." And it clearly was embarrassing.

'Y/n!' His voice snapped your mind back to constant thinking and enabled yourself to move freely but this wasn't really the time to experiment whether you were okay or not. Both of you just had to go into the house and entertain all the young children until it was time. Time to spill the blood of 'currently innocent harmless' victims.

Bringing your mind to reality, you grew anxious looking at the annoyed emotion Namjoon was currently displaying.

'We don't have the time for this, either go in or go out.'
Of course there wasn't any choice so it was not needed for him to say that but it wasn't exactly exaggerated to the point where you had to ask Namjoon why he felt the need to say the last sentence.
Then, with a deep sigh, you replied softly with 'ok' and went to the house.

'Excuse me for a tad sec people; Hi! You must be the entertainment for my little boy Jonny's Birthday.'

This must be the mother I guess. Well yes of course it is the mother, why wouldn't it be, Yeah why would she say My LiTtLe BoY JonNy-

The mother and Namjoon waited for your response while you argued with yourself whether or not that the woman standing in front of you, was the mother.  After calling out your name repeatedly, Namjoon has to excuse himself and apologise to the woman because of the dear mess you were making.

He pulled you to the side and tried to bring you back to your state of consciousness.
'Y/n.' He gritted through his teeth.
'God she's so out of mind. What is up with her?' Namjoon groaned.

A small static came through a minuscule, not that much visible, earbud.

It was His boss. Yes, His not yours but his. Hypothetically...To an audience that had viewed what was going on through a small, technical screen, this would come off as confusing. But it very well made sense. Just...not to some viewers.
Yes you and Namjoon had a boss but this was a little different. Something that you did not have any clue about.

'Agent K... *static* can you hear me?'
'Yes I can hear you.' he replied back to the mic while continuously giving a reassuring wave to the host of the party signalling that they were fine.

'Namjoon.... try to see if You can get her back to her usual state. We can't let this downfall.'
'Yes, but how?'

A moment of silence was spared before he answered.
'Try and press down on the left side of her neck.'

'Ok on it. You can go now.'
'Alright, stay safe and stay normal. We don't want any suspicions rising now do we?'
'No sir.'
And with that, He left and Namjoon tried to commence with what he had been told.

Little did he know, that you had jumped out of your little pause a few minutes before hearing the conversation they had.  Not wanting to stir any situation up, you quietly got rid of the dubious thought and forced yourself to go along with what was happening. But that didn't happen.

Right before Namjoon could reach for your neck, your head lifted up and you looked him in the eyes.

'Oh so your 'awake' now.'
The way Namjoon emphasised on the word awake caught your attention. You wouldn't usually have these thoughts but your mind filled up with doubts that any of this was real and you were stuck in a simulation. You tried shaking your head to ease your mind but something else managed to get there first.

'Why are you shaking your head? Namjoon chuckled.
Instead of giving him a normal answer
You replied with
'Why not?' Even though you were serious Namjoon took the reply with cheek.
'I find it cute.' He said while pinching your face.
Now even though you were anxious, you slowly grew calm.

Hm.. I may be wrong but it wouldn't feel real if Namjoon didn't call me cute less than twice a day, so I'll leave the thought behind.

You were so much wrong than right. So wrong, that you didn't realise how much the truth would hurt later.

But You, your naïve self and Namjoon walked into the house.

Still feeling anxious, you tried to think positive. This feeling was totally new. You had felt as you were predicting something but couldn't make out what exactly you were predicting. You almost felt as if this were wrong.

Yes, murdering children is wrong but you hadn't been showing any remorse for it until now. Not that you had killed any in the house, yet.

Thinking that this was all just a phase, you were definitely, oh most definitely incorrect.

This was just the beginning.

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