Heterochromia A Johndave Fanfiction Chapter 2

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Dirk's P.O.V

I wake up and head to the kitchen,surprisingly,Bro was there. Which is unusual since he's the last one to wake up."Dirk,go wake up Dave" Bro orders me.

I run upstairs,all the way to Dave's room. I swing open the door and yell."Dave! Wake the fuck up,sunshine!" He doesn't wake up. "Fuck dammit,Dave" I walk over to his bed and take the covers off,he pulls them back on. "Dave..." He makes a grunting noise. I shake him,and try to make him wake up.

"Fuck you and everything you stand for" He says. I have to think of something to wake him up. An idea pops into my head,I smirk and take out my phone. "Well...it would be a shame if Bro saw these" I'm talking about the pictures of Dave I have in my gallery. Dave suddenly bolts up."How did you get those?!" He asks me,astonished. "I have my resources" I say proudly with a smirk.

"If you don't wake up,I'll show these pictures to Bro and he will KILL you for burning some of his smuppets" He stares at me,wide-eyed. "Okay okay! I'll wake up! I'm up!" He hops out of bed. I smirk and leave his room. I close the door and hear some cursing. I try not to laugh and run all the way downstairs. This is what happens every morning.

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