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Hey everyone!! Thanks for reading and I hope you guys enjoy this next chapter!!

Waking up feeling like you have a hangover when you know you dont, has to be one of the most confusing feelings in the world. Maya fluttered her eyes open and immediately closed them as she felt a sharp pain in her head.

She let her eyes stay closed for a moment so she could calm her breathing and try to remember where she was and how she got there. But things were still very fuzzy in her brain.

She tried to think back to what had happened the day before. Tried to think about what she did. She remembered the party. She remembered talking to Josh and Andrew after Andrew told that Jake guy to stay away from her. She remembered talking to Farkle, she remembered going to the drink table and seeing Jake again. But then nothing. Everything after that seemed hazy.

She opened her eyes again and looked down at herself. She was still in her clothes from the day before. She looked over at her clock and noticed that it said ten in the morning. She groaned as she looked over and noticed Riley was still in her clothes from the night before as well. But she was sleeping, her make up on her face was smeared and it looked like she had passed out as soon as she had fell onto her bed. Her shoes were still on and her bed was made up. She was sleeping above the covers.

Maya's stomach growled as she realized just how hungry she was. She sat up from the bed and looked around the room, as if it would give her any kind of indication of what happened the night before, and why she couldn't remember. She couldn't have gotten drunk. She promised herself a long time ago that she wouldn't ever try alcohol, not after everything with her real father.

Slowly she got out of the bed and made her way over to Riley. She gently started shaking her friends shoulder while whispering her name.

"Riley, wake up." Maya said. Riley opened her eyes and looked up at Maya through the dark circles in her eyes.

"Maya!" She gasped as she suddenly shot up from the bed and gave her a hug. Maya stumbled back and groaned at the sharp pain that came when Riley yelled.

"What happened last night? Why can't I remember anything? And why do I have a headache the size of New York?" Maya asked all these questions. Riley pulled back and stared at her.

"Y-you don't remember?" She asked. Maya shook her head.

"No. The last thing I remember is getting a drink at the snack table and running back into Jake. That's it." Maya told her. This was one of the other reasons that Maya had decided that she wasn't going to ever drink or get drunk. She hated the feeling of not remembering what had happened to her. She hated the fact that she wasn't able to be in control of her own actions last night, whatever they may have been.

"Jake- he tried to drug you. He did drug you." Riley told her. Maya felt her heart stop and cold seep through her entire body. "You couldn't think or act for yourself. He was dragging you out of the party. Josh saved you."

"Josh- he saved me?" Maya asked. Her eyes wide.

"Well, him and Andrew. If it weren't for them...." Riley trailed off. Maya felt her breathing become shallow. The realization of what would have happened last night. She tried to remember. Remember something that could help her come to terms with it, but she didn't understand. She couldn't understand.

"Why- I don't- me?" Maya said as she continued to look at Riley with wide eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Maya! I should have been there for you! I should have stayed by your side, but I didn't." Riley cried. Maya couldn't comfort her, she couldn't bring herself to think about anything except for what had happened. 

"You have to go back to campus police office today so that you can give a statement of what happened. I think they arrested Jake." Riley told her. Maya felt her throat close up as she took a step back from Riley and focused on her breathing.

"I-I need to go see Josh. I need to talk to him." Maya said. She quickly grabbed clothes from her drawer and started getting dressed. "Wait, why are you still in your clothes from last night?" Maya asked.

"Because I was worried about you. They said that I would need to keep an eye on you in case your body has a reaction to the drug he gave you." Riley told her. Maya bit her lip.

"What kind of drug did he give me?" She asked. Riley shook her head.

"I don't know. They had to test you to see." Riley told her. Maya finished getting dressed. She looked over at Riley and smiled.

"I don't blame you, Riley. So you shouldn't blame yourself." Maya told her. Riley smiled and nodded. Maya quickly ran a brush through her hair and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth. She said a quick goodbye to Riley and started walking to Josh's room.

It helped that he was in the same dorm as them, because it only took her five minutes to get to his room. She knocked on the door and waited anxiously as she heard shuffling from the other side.

The door opened, and Maya couldn't help but let out a gasp at what she saw. Josh had a black eye, a busted lip, and a bruise on his cheek. Had she caused this much trouble last night? What did Jake look like? Josh had gotten into a fight over her. Because he was trying to stop Jake from doing something to her.

"Hey." Josh breathed out as he stared at her. Maya's words got caught in her throat as she continued to stare at him. She felt a sudden overwhelming panic at the thought of what had occurred.

"I-I'm sorry." She stuttered. "I'm so sorry." Josh frowned.


"Riley told me what happened. What you did, what Jake tried to do. And now your face is messed up because of it-"

"Maya, this wasn't your fault." He cut her off. "You didn't do this to me. I saw someone I cared about in trouble and I acted. There was nothing anyone could have done to stop me. Besides, I would rather deal with a couple of bruises than even have to think what would have happened to you if Jake had succeeded." Josh had such an intense gaze that Maya felt shudders go through her.

"Thank you." Maya whispered. She looked over Josh's shoulder towards Andrew. "Thank you both."

"No worries, cupcake. You're safe now, that's what matters." He winked at her. Maya smiled at him and sighed as she looked back at Josh.

"I only wanted to stop by and say that. I should get going." Maya told him as she started to turn around.

"Where are you going?" Josh asked. Maya looked up at him and hesitated.

"I have to go down to campus police and give them an account of what happened leading up to everything." Maya told him.

"But you don't remember anything that happened." He told her. Maya shrugged her shoulders. "Let me grab a jacket and I'll go with you-"

"I can't ask you to do that. You've already done so much-" Maya stated.

"You're not asking. I'm offering." He smiled at her. "Let me walk you there." Maya felt a sudden jolt in her insides.

"O-okay." She stuttered. Josh gave her one of his award winning smiled, or at least tried through the bruises on his face. Maya swallowed hard turned away from her and was back in a second with a jacket in his hands.

Thanks for reading!

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