The Senior's Meeting

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Hey everyone! Thank you all for reading and supporting this story! Enjoy!

Three weeks into the school year and Josh was no better off than when it had first started. He had found himself thinking about Maya more intently then ever before. She was now the first thing he thought about when he woke up in the morning, and the last thing that he had thought about before he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

He had been having dreams about her in his sleep. Nothing too bad, just of her face smiling and laughing. One dream he had been watching her in a field somewhere in a sundress, running around and laughing as she turned back to look at him. He dreamt about her saying hello to him in the halls and on campus. One dream he had woken up and couldn't get back to sleep, afraid that he would have it again for it was a bit... intense.

"Dont you think that your subconscious might be trying to tell you something?" Andrew, Josh's roommate hinted towards him one morning when Josh finally burst and told him everything that he had thought and dreamt about.

"Dont go there." Josh warned him as he ran a hand through his hair. Truth was, Josh had been thinking that same thing, but he was not ready to admit that yet.

"Well anyway, some of the guys have called a meeting with some of the seniors to talk about something." Andrew stated. Josh chuckled.

"A meeting?" Josh mocked.

"Hey, I dont know what its about. But I think its worth checking out, just to keep up with whats going on." Andrew told him. Josh sighed and stood up from his bed to put a shirt on. A Saturday morning and he was going to spend it in some stupid immature meeting that some of the guys in his year  was going to have.

Quickly getting ready, Josh and Andrew made their way to the dorm room across the hall that was having the meeting. When they knocked and the door opened there were already about five other guys in the room. Josh rolled his eyes as he leaned up against the door once it was shut again.

"Alright, now that we're all here, its time to begin." Casper, the guy who lived in the room spoke. "As you know fellows it is our last year here at NYU." He told them. "We are also the most popular guys in this school. We're legends practically. We need to make that stick."

"End of year Parties." One guy spoke up.

"Senior pranks." Another one smirked.

"No, no, no." Casper stated. Josh rolled his eyes. He wanted to leave. "I'm talking about something more. Boys do you realize that we could have any girl in this school that we want? They all flaunt over us." Casper told them. Josh put his hand on the doorknob, fixing to leave. "Especially Freshman." Josh froze and turned back around. He leaned back against the door with his arms crossed and his glare on Casper.

"What you getting at?" Andrew asked. He seemed to be just as board as Josh had been.

"I'm talking about a little bet." Casper smirked. "The classic hump then dump." All of the guys in the room except for Josh and Andrew smirked and nodded their heads in agreement. "And I already have scouted out the perfect girl, boys. She'll definitely be a challenge. I tried to talk to her yesterday, wouldn't even give me the time of day." Casper spoke as he shrugged his shoulders.

"You going to give us a name?" One of the other guys asked getting impatient. Casper smirked.

"Maya Hunter." He stated. "One Hundred dollars and bragging rights to the person who can get her."

"Hell. No." Josh spoke up, his tone dangerously low. All the guys turned to look at him.

"Oh relax Matthews. Out of respect for you, I didnt pick your niece. Besides, she's always around that Fryer kid. I think they have something going on." Casper stated.

"No." Josh spoke again, his glare hardened and his hands tightened in fists. "Maya is off limits." Someone looked like they were about to speak up but Josh cut him off. "Period." His glare never leaving Casper's.

"Oh I get it." Casper nodded. "You've got a thing for her." He smirked. "You're afraid of a little competition." Andrew got up from his seat and slowly walked towards Josh. Knowing that if he didnt take control soon, a fight would break out as sure as he was standing there.

"No, asshole. I've known her my entire life practically. She's like another niece, a sister even." Josh lied. "And if I see anyone of you anywhere near her, ever, I'm not above knocking your teeth down your throat." Josh threatened. All the other guys in the room seemed to take the threat seriously, and threw their hands up in surrender in a silent agreement that they wouldn't even try. Casper just smirked.

"Fine then, you do it. You get Hunter into bed and the hundred dollars is yours." Casper told him. Josh's eyes darkened.

"Are you stupid? I just told you. None of you are going to do this bet, me included." Josh spat out. Casper was taking steps towards Josh and Josh was starting to shake as his temper was getting harder to contain. A dangerous sign as Andrew stepped in between them as an attempt to keep things in control.

"Okay then, its not like you've called dibs on her. So no matter what, we're going to keep trying. You cant be there every day to protect her. We'll get to her eventually." Casper stated. Josh took a step forward and Andrew put a hand on his chest to keep him from going any further. "But you wont do it, will you, Josh?" Casper mocked. "Because you're too nice. You would never do that to her or any girl for that matter. Dont worry, we're not as chicken. It's just a matter of time before Hunter proves she's just like every other girl in this school. A bitch waiting to get laid."

"Watch your damn mouth!" Josh pushed forward past Andrew and punched Casper right in the jaw, causing him to fall back to the ground and all the other guys to stare on shocked. Andrew glared at Casper before pushing Josh back as he tried to get at him again.

"You've made your point, Josh." Andrew told him. Casper got up and wiped the blood off his mouth and laughed.

"I dare you." Josh looked at Casper and glared. "I told you he wont do it. He's too chicken. We'll just have to handle her all on our own. Don't let him scare you, fellas. He won't be able to protect her. If you don't do the bet Josh, we're just going to keep going at her." Josh's eyes darkened and his jaw clenched at the man in front of him.

"Josh dont." Josh glanced at his roommate before looking back at his classmate.

"You're on."

Thanks for reading everyone! Have a great week!

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