"Wayne, we're sorry for the way we treated you after you freed us, and we truly forgive you for not telling us that it was dangerous to go into the black castle," said Christopher.

Wayne looked at his feet. "I'm the one who should be saying sorry lads. I let my stupid pride cloud my judgment, when I shoulda been open with you."

Kraigar smiled and looked at the boys. "Well, now that everyone is forgiven, I think it's time we had a feast to celebrate — Tomorrow you have a long and strenuous journey ahead of you, but tonight we'll shed all of our worries and have the time of our lives."

Everyone sat down in a large circle. Kraigar blew a large flame into the centre of it, and a large table covered in food and drink appeared.

"Close your eyes for a moment and think about what you want to eat," said Kraigar.

Everybody did so, and when they opened their eyes, plates full of food lay in front of them. Nathaniel licked his lips. There was chicken, roast potatoes and coleslaw on his plate. He glanced around. The plates in front of him and his friends had knives and forks beside them, but the ones in front of the dragons didn't. Cups appeared beside each of the plates, the ones by the dragons were large enough for the dragons to lower their mouths into.

He picked up his knife and fork and started eating. The food was delicious, and the chicken was tender and well-seasoned. The aromas of all the food merged into one compelling scent. He put down his knife, lifted his cup and had a drink. It was cold, refreshing and sweet.

Nathaniel said, "hmm, what iz dis?"

Eiona looked at him. "We call it teshe. It's made out of the juices of a number of plants and fruits that come from our forests. Do you like it?"

"I luv it," replied Nathaniel.

He glanced around. Every one finished eating, and then the food on the table and the plates disappeared.

Ravi said, "can you give me some seeds and the ingredients for teshe tomorrow? If we don't have those trees or plants on earth, I would love to try and grow them, so I can try to make teshe, and maybe try some different combinations of ingredients to create new drinks — hhhmmm — I could do one with saffron and nutmeg and one with mint..."

"Of course," said Eiona.

Kraigar smiled. "Has anyone got room for desert?"

Nathaniel licked his lips. "Of course — it's not every day dat we get to taste food which iz prepared by a dragon."

Kraigar closed his eyes, bowls full of blackcurrant cheese cake appeared in front of everyone.

Nathaniel ate. Spoons scraped against bowls and people licked their lips. Christopher had seconds, and then he rubbed his stomach and grinned. Everybody finished eating, and then the bowls, the table and the spoons disappeared.

"I think it's time for a little bit of music," said Eiona.

She blew a flame into the centre of the circle; harps and violins appeared out of thin air and began to play themselves. Eiona started to sing.

Nathaniel truly believed that she had the most beautiful voice he had ever heard.

His friends started to clap in time with the song, and some of the dragons danced in the centre of the circle.

The celebrations went on until late in the night. Apart from Kraigar, all of the dragons fell asleep.

Wayne faced Kraigar. "Can you show us wot our parents are doin' on earth."

"Certainly, Wayne," replied Kraigar.

He blew a flame into the middle of the circle; a large TV screen appeared out of thin air; the boys focused on it.

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